This still has me laughing! Doulas know what’s up! 🙌
Tag a doula friend who will love this! ❤️ [found via @euphoricherbals]
#doulas #doulasgotballs #doulasdoitbetter #doula #birthdoula #birth #pregnancy #homebirth #momtobe #hospitalbirth #birthcenter #yogaball #exerciseball #doulalife #doulasrock #doulalove
Did you know newborns can eat from a cup? Yes they can!🥛Here’s a great clip of cup feeding. Cup feeding can be used in situations where baby is having trouble latching, is separated from mom or for a baby who needs supplementation with breastmilk. It’s a great way to avoid artificial nipples/bottles early on while still getting baby what they need. ❤️ [📷:#Repost @stellabonella]
I am SO over the moon!! Thank you to all who voted! 🎊🎉🍾💥🤗
One of the cutest things I've ever seen. ❤️😍🤗
#sisters #normalizebreastfeeding #themamamantraatx #theboobieninja #birth #justborn #2ndtrimester #3rdtrimester #birthofamother #mamabear #motherhood #motherhoodrising #birth #postpartum #instagood #pregnancy #pregnant #babies #breastfeeding #breastfeedwithoutfear #badassbreastfeeder #miraclemilk #bosomnectar #goddess #divinefeminine #beautifulbfing #momlife [🎥: @kaleymunday via @atxdoulas]
Happy #blackbreastfeedingweek2017! 👸🏿👶🏽👸🏾👶🏾👸🏽👶🏿Check my profile link to learn more about this amazing movement and why it's so important.
[Created by @brucetalbot of mama @porschethomas and her boys. Background and body art by @ndeyeyoum] shared by @tribedemama ❤️
#themamamantraatx #theboobieninja #birth #justborn #2ndtrimester #3rdtrimester #birthofamother #mamabear #motherhood #motherhoodrising #birth #postpartum #pregnancy #pregnant #babies #breastfeeding #breastfeedwithoutfear #badassbreastfeeder #miraclemilk #bosomnectar #goddess #divinefeminine #beautifulbfing #momlife #breastfeedingart #blackwomendobreastfeed
STOP what you're doing! This is ACTUAL footage of the #solareclipse2017!😜🤗😬
I was in a prenatal consult today when the #solareclipse happened, so thank goodness I got to see the #boobsolareclipse before! 🙌 (•Y•) ☀️
Today is the last day of #worldbreastfeedingweek! Whether you exclusively breastfed, exclusively pumped, used a supplemental nursing system, used a nipple shield, did a breast + bottle duo, gave drops, gave gallons, fed one or fed are AMAZING. Through all the struggles, the triumphs, the tears and the joy, you nourished your little one with love. I am proud of you, and you should be proud of you. As an #ibclc, I am HONORED to stand alongside my clients as they navigate their unique breastfeeding journey. You inspire me everyday. Happy #wbw2017! ❤️⊍⊍💦[image shared from @brayola]
✨Just the other day I got the urge to go into REI to browse for our trip to Europe in June. It was one of your favorite stores and I've avoided it since you passed away. Maybe it was the only "big box store" you even liked, since I mostly remember you shopping at smaller mom and pop stores or heading out to the flea markets. But, you were an outdoorsman, so REI was for you like a candy shop is to a kid.
✨As I walked by the hiking packs, the rock climbing shoes, the camping gear and the climbing ropes it was impossible not to reminisce...oh, how you cherished those things and loved the outdoors. It was a love that you passed down to me.
✨And then like some kind of cruel joke, or divine intervention (it's hard to differentiate still), Ramblin' Man by The Allman Brothers Band played over the store speakers. This was one of the songs I chose for your funeral services. You loved that song. @brackson13 quickly looked over at me from another aisle and asked if I needed to leave. I shook my head "no" and he hugged me as I held back tears. You were there, weren't you? ❤ I miss you every single day, Dad.
✨Sometimes being strong means not holding back the tears, but instead, letting them fall. Let the tears water the seeds that will help you grow. 🌸🌈🌼💕☀️🍄🌻🌱🌝🌿💐🍃
Join us on September 22nd at 10:45 at @tribe.austin for our breastfeeding support group! Expecting mamas welcome, too! Meet other mamas, get answers to your breastfeeding questions and most of all, feel heard! (RSVP to event on 🙌🙋👶 #theboobieninja #TheMamaManteaATX #austinmoms #pregnantinaustin #breastfeeding #atxmoms • • Come get your yogi on at FREE prenatal/postnatal yoga @ 10am beforehand for all the #goodvibes (pre-register @ #tribeaustin #mommyandme #austin #prenatal #postnatal #yoga #freefuninaustin #momlife #wellness
#breastfeeding #TheMamaMantraATX #theboobieninja #IBCLC #lactivist #certifiedboobieninja
Day 4 of #BBW16: Shake it mama! Love this happy snap spotted on @carriagehousebirth!
✨FEEDING WITH LOVE✨ Get it Mama💕 @tipatipati #blackbreastfeedingweek #feedingwithlovesubmission #carriagehousebirth
I now am seeing clients in office! Thanks to local like-minded professionals for welcoming me with open arms! #theboobieninja #themamamantraatx #themamamantra #atx #atxbusiness #ibclc #atxmom #atxdad #breastfeeding #austinsmallbusiness