Golden Hummingbird Community

Golden Hummingbird Community Holistic Awake Community of Like Minded People who improve the World and themselves

A Holistic Community dedicated to Spirituality, Spiritual Media, holistic perspectives, ecology, renewable energy, indigenious teachings, Shamanism, Hermetics, Alchemy, Gnosticism, and Holistic Healing. We are a vital, optimistic Global Community that is dynamic, creative and inspirational.

Online-Workshop mit Kristos in DeutschDatum: 7. + 8. Februar 2025 Der Workshop zur Weiblichen Kabbala  Entdecke die Myst...

Online-Workshop mit Kristos in Deutsch
Datum: 7. + 8. Februar 2025

Der Workshop zur Weiblichen Kabbala

Entdecke die Mysterien des göttlich Weiblichen

Entfalte die transformative Kraft der **Weiblichen Kabbala** in diesem intensiven Workshop, der darauf abzielt, das göttlich Weibliche in dir zu erwecken. Erkunde den neu interpretierten Lebensbaum, bei dem jede Sephira die Energie mächtiger weiblicher Archetypen wie Lilith, Eva, Sophia und Aschera verkörpert. Diese heilige Reise wird dich befähigen, mit der tiefen Weisheit des Universums in Verbindung zu treten und deinen spirituellen Weg mit der göttlichen weiblichen Energie in Einklang zu bringen.

In diesem Workshop wirst du:

✨ **Die Geheimnisse der Weiblichen Kabbala entdecken** – Verstehe die neu definierten Sephiroth und ihre Verbindung zu Göttinnen und weiblichen göttlichen Wesen.

✨ **Deine innere Weisheit aktivieren** – Durch heilige Rituale und Meditationen verbindest du dich mit den kraftvollen weiblichen Kräften, die Schöpfung und Transformation lenken.

✨ **Deine spirituelle Praxis transformieren** – Nutze uralte kabbalistische Prinzipien, die mit weiblicher Energie durchdrungen sind, um deine spirituelle Reise und dein tägliches Leben zu bereichern.

✨ **Ein geführtes Ritual erleben** – Nimm an einer kraftvollen Einweihung in die Geheimnisse des Lebensbaums teil, bei der die Segnungen des göttlich Weiblichen kanalisiert werden.

Egal, ob du neu in der Kabbala bist oder dein Verständnis vertiefen möchtest, dieser Workshop lädt dich ein, dich mit der uralten und doch zeitlosen Weisheit des heiligen Weiblichen zu verbinden. Sei dabei und erlebe diese transformative Erfahrung und entdecke deine wahre Kraft!

Tritt ein in den Kreis der göttlich weiblichen Weisheit – deine Reise beginnt hier.

Seminarbeginn jeweils 18:00 Uhr - Ende ca. 23:00 Uhr

Für weitere Informationen und Anmeldung bitte einfach bei mir melden, ich freue mich von Dir zu hören: Nicole
[email protected]

We arrived in beautiful Buenos Aires and we hope to see our many friends here! I have been visiting Argentina since 1995...

We arrived in beautiful Buenos Aires and we hope to see our many friends here! I have been visiting Argentina since 1995, and this will be my 29th year visiting. Thank you Marcela Pazos, Graciela Iriondo, and many others who have made my time here extraordinary. This year i am immersed in Dragon lore, Draconian Magick and the power of the very first power animal. The end of October and the first two weeks of November until the 19th are difficult astrologically- including the american election. This can all turn positive by November 19 or if not, i will spend more time in Paris and leave USA. A time of the major decisions concerning the world and what we all decide will either lead to a catastrophic time or a time of "we", "us", and "contact" that will be truly revolutionary in our beliefs and our way of thinking, feeling in a personal and collective sense. The whole word feels the changes coming, like the fate of the world depends on what each person chooses at this moment in history, and we must remain optimistic, positive, spiritual and clear on the threshold of change.

September 25- we have a session available for New Jersey! Please come for guidance and healing,  contact Susan Balaban- ...

September 25- we have a session available for New Jersey! Please come for guidance and healing, contact Susan Balaban- 201-314-7018,
Otherwise we are sold out! We go to New Jersey, NYC (sold out) and then on to Buenos Aires, Argentina -then Sao Paolo/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A blessed journey!

We are coming to Brazil!!!! November 3-7 Sao Paolo in Jardines! November 9-14 Rio de Janeiro in Ipanema! We will offer p...

We are coming to Brazil!!!! November 3-7 Sao Paolo in Jardines! November 9-14 Rio de Janeiro in Ipanema! We will offer private sessions in both cities and 2 one day workhops the weekend of November 9-10- Foster's training focusing on Dragon Shamanism on November 9. Kristos's Higher Mind training on November 10. Come to Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro and see us!
contact: Laura Pedrotti, [email protected]

We will be in Buenos Aires the month of October! which will be wonderful!

First we fly to Rhode Island now for the weekend workhops and privates, then Martha's Vineyard, Edgewter in New Jersey, and New York City to end the month of September. October 1 is Buenos Aires.....

A full tour! Hope to see you for a private! a workshop or much more....See you soon! Write: [email protected] for more details....some pictures....

We are coming to Rhode Island!  Staying with our friend and organizer Laureen Ratti.  An amazing time in New England to ...

We are coming to Rhode Island! Staying with our friend and organizer Laureen Ratti. An amazing time in New England to see us for a private session, for a healing workshop, or for a one day seminar in alpha training with Kristos. This may be our last time in Rhode Island to work, and Laureen has been gracious to us all these years. Last chance to see us in Rhode Island!

After Rhode Island, we journey to Martha's Vineyard! an evening talk there, a healing workshop, and many privates- come and see us on the Vineyard for our annual visit! After the Vineyard- we arrive in New Jersey, then New York City, and finallly Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Please contact Laureen Ratti for Rhode Island for Sept. 11-15 : [email protected], tele: 401-580-7377
Please contact Elaine Allen on the Vineyard for Sept. 18-22: [email protected], tele: 508-693-3210 or 774-563-0002.
Please contact Susan Balaban for New Jersey and New York City private sessions for Sept. 25-30 : [email protected], cell: 201-871-0437 or 508-645-9413.

This is the New Moon in Virgo, to release fear and worry, confusion and deception as we may be feeling exhausted after teh summer. Saturn is opposite the New Moon with Mars square Neptune. This is a time to not give in to negativity, addictions, and discouragement. On this New Moon - it is important to not lose self esteem, or give in to unhappiness as melancholy, and November is a difficult month astrologically coming. Yet there is optomism from 2025-2028. This is a year of great change, to perform the inner work and to heal what is rising in all of us and get to the root of worry, of fears around money. Lets clean up our lives, our world, to help others, through small actions. We are all looking at our health and work routines, how we treat animals, how we transform our jobs, as this is a new beginning. Now we take measures to improve ourselves, organizing our space- inner and outer, as we face large responsibilities and decide how we are going to move forward. it is a grounded time of practical intentions. Mercury is no longer retrograde and we can heal the overactive mind, as we need to enter the new conversation, to be inspired, and to find solutions for going to the next level in our lives and to find peace.

Please look into our Vimeo Series on Draconian Shamanism- Dragons and Magick, Enochian Magick level one and two, and much more! It is a comprendium of all we have taught for 40 years clearly elucidated. Universal Mastermind has a Kabbalah training vimeo, a Mind Odyssey vimeo (our most popular with the next advancement in alpha training). A complete library on Vimeo to learn, to grow, and to never be the same!

Today, i will give a free speech, the most important this year on what is to come. Marcela Pazos is the host, a shamanic...

Today, i will give a free speech, the most important this year on what is to come. Marcela Pazos is the host, a shamanic teacher and healer in Argentina and Spain. She healed herself of cancer and is an authentic teacher of Spirit. She is here on Facebook. We will discuss prophecies, and what is to come this year and 2027. Healing ourselves and the world in this time of great changes, corrections, ecological change, and global warming. I have been a healer, and teacher for almost 40 years now, and in the last week, i am only drinking water, purifying, and cleansing to prepare the body, mind, and spirit for what is coming- to be ready. Remember yourself, why did you come to incarnation, to be on Earth at this moment? Remember your spirit, and how we can in all diversity, unify ourselves, and follow the intuitive truths of Spirit. I live with an old prophet, Kristos, who occasionally is so lucid, the beauty way comes through and it touches and reveals deeper knowledge. We speak it, and write it down. The Condor and the Eagle come together, South and North American peoples- not just indigenous peoples whom we respect and follow, but all the people called from the stars to come to earth to aid in this transition, through this human created chaos, to create a new way of life, closer to the ways of the earth, to the telepathic bond of people and healers. To listen and become nature, to transcend by remembering who you are and who your community is, and the tribe of the stars. On this Full Moon of Capricorn today, for the practical building of the future, to find well being in this world as it is, we embrace humanitarianism. This is our second Capricorn full moon in a row, balancing emotions and practical steps to accomplish your true goals. Pluto in Aquarius, Mars in Gemini, an air sign trine signals big changes coming. This is spiritual metamorphosis to go forward. Algol is the rebel Goddess, the feminine in her power transforming the world back to Mother Earth and the first Goddess. She returns in our consciousness, in everyone. Check your own stubborness, your own stagnant behaviors, not aligned with Spirit, at this time. Slow down, ground as much as you can as the trickery in the world , in others, is revealed clearly. It is a reckoning for those who take unfair advantage of others. Humanity is a giant diverse family and most people are good. A new way of life will emerge and may our children and their children wake up spiritually to see the whole picture and journey and have wise counsel.


75497 Palm Shadow Drive
Beverly Hills, CA


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Our Story

A Holistic Community dedicated to Spirituality, Spiritual Media, Holistic perspectives, Ecology, Renewable Energy, Indigineous teachings, Shamanism, Hermetics, Alchemy, Gnosticism, and Holistic Healing. We are a Vital, Optomistic Global Community that is dynamic, creative and inspirational. With over 10,000 students worldwide, and over 30 workshops around the world, and 9 trainings a year- we are a global community teaching Kabbalah and Kabbalah for women, Shamanism with a You Tube Channel of Universal Mastermind and Foster Perry’s channel with many premiers. Our new website: is always updated with Foster Perry’s blog, new videos, and soon an online school with downloadable trainings. We are based in Beverly Hills, and work in New York City, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, Northern New Jersey, Jamestown, Rhode Island in USA, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Montevideo, Uruguay, in South America and in London, Paris, Milan, Berlin, Nurnberg, Ljubljana, Warsaw, and many more locations around the world. We have a travel tour to Ancient Greece this year with ancient rituals in Delphi for the Fall Equinox and a journey to Crete and the temples of Athens. We offer inexpensive one hour Skype sessions with Kristos for a tune up reading, 90 minute healing sessions in person with Foster, and 2 hour sessions with both Foster and Kristos throughout the world. We have traveled to Bali, Egypt, Southern France, India, Tibet, Nepal, with large groups and Power Places Tours and with an Argentinian tour agency for Shamanism in Mt. Shasta, CA , New Orleans Voodouan tour, Salem Kraft tour, and with a Polish Travel agency we will go to Crete, Greece and to Glastonbury , England in 2020. Come join us on this adventure in learning!