FAD #6 – Edible Glitter Smoothies!
This fad does not make your skin glow! These smoothies contain sugar, corn starch, harmful chemicals and food coloring that are inflammatory and may increase your risk of disease. Please remember to check all ingredients on the label first. Knowledge is Power!
FAD #5 – Charcoal Lattes for Teeth Whitening
Charcoal is not good for your teeth! Teeth are porous and the charcoal cannot get into the tubules in your teeth to do anything as it is too big of a molecule. It can also stop up the tubules and harm the tooth as well. We suggest our Organic Tooth Powder to healthfully help clean and whiten your teeth.
FAD #4 – Ice Diet Baths!
These baths do not stimulate your metabolism enough to help with weight loss. You need the correct supplementation and diet and a correct consultation to help you understand your internal body and genetics to work best. Your weight issue may be due to hormone deficiency as well. Please contact our office for a scientifically correct virtual consultation.
#correctdieting #icedietfad
FAD #3 – Wellness Vaping!
This is not good for your lungs and body! This type of vaping does not provide the correct vitamins and supplements for your body. It does not absorb… and lasts for a miniscule amount of time. You need to take the correct amount of oral supplementation to help your body’s immunity and protection.
#vaping #supplements
FAD #2 – Flaxseed Masks!
Supposedly this fad is boasting that it is collagen stimulating. Not true! Taking Flaxseed orally is much healthier as the molecules in the seeds are too large to absorb into the skin. We suggest Exfoliating Repair or Whole Body Renew to stimulate collagen healthfully, penetrate into the skin cells and help remove dead skin.
#exfoliatingrepair #wholebodyrenew
FAD #1 – Drinking Lettuce water or Crystal infused water
Just a Fad and will not provide any nutritional value! Don’t believe all that you view on Social media – these are just fads that people upload for attention. Instead – we suggest Celery juice or Aloe juice which can actually provide health benefits.
#healthyjuices #healthywaters
Self-diagnosing is not healthy for your mind or body!
Telehealth – online researching of your self-diagnosed issues only causes anxiety. You need to consult with a Medical Professional for a correct diagnosis. Please contact your Health Care Practioner or contact us for a virtual consultation.
#selfdiagnosing #telehealth
Body Positivity – not Body Shaming!
Your outlook on life and health creates a beautiful appearance. We are all genetically different – so please learn to appreciate that and love yourself!
#bodypositivity #yourappearance
Personalized Medicine – what works and Why!
Science vs. Fads. Fads are attention-getters – entertainment – not fact – and are not based on science or medicine. Your internal and external health is essential and what is truly medically correct. Many of the issues you are anxious over are based on genetics which play and important factor. You must come to peace within yourself for your personal health and well-being.
#sciencevsfads #healthandwellbeing
ASK DR. Hunter: Why I do Virtual Consultations
In today’s stressful and toxic world, it is necessary for me to reach out to everyone around the world to help with not only their skin conditions, but their internal health problems, and provide a second opinion. My goal in medicine has always been to identify the causes and treat the problem rather than just treat symptoms. The body must be addressed as a whole, inside, and out, to optimize anti-aging, health, beauty, and help in disease prevention.
If you would like a virtual consultation with the Doctor, contact us through our website.
#virtualconsultations #healthandskinsolutions
Why Celebrities look great - only on camera!
Why Celebrities look great on the Red Carpet and in reality, their skin is not good! They spend tens of thousands of dollars to look good on the red carpet, when all they have to do is keep their skin healthy with the scientifically correct skin products and supplements.
Buy 3 Products and get 15% off, or 20% off 4 or more. https://www.juliathuntermd.com/buy-now/
#nontoxicskincare #antiagingproductssghana
Eating for Beauty!
Foods Change your Appearance! Everything in Moderation! Certain foods (including alcohol) cause inflammation, which causes disease and aging. Inflammation and glycation are the chemical processes that change our appearance and age us, with the appearance of dark circles under and around our eyes and eye bags, brown “age” spots, rosacea, thin skin, hair loss, wrinkles, jowls, and sagging. Learn more about foods that help fight premature aging.
#healthyfoods #foodschangeappearance