Limbic Space

Limbic Space Interdisciplinary Therapy for every Grandchild's neurophysiological liberation & ecological purpose

neurophysiological liberation for ecological purpose:

- generational remembering and reconciliation
-decolonizing thru present day body;
-psychedelic assisted therapy and integration
-co-creating interdisciplinary embodiment practice

Earth day everyday 🌏 As her agents of change, let’s continue to learn, love, and listen in..   to connect deeper with th...

Earth day everyday 🌏 As her agents of change, let’s continue to learn, love, and listen in.. to connect deeper with the Lands that we stand on, and grow with our settler responsibilities.

Medicina is our 10day community intensive to reconnect, cleanse, un/learn with our Earthly teachers. Exciting new additi...

Medicina is our 10day community intensive to reconnect, cleanse, un/learn with our Earthly teachers.
Exciting new addition to our experience: Sound bath and Qi Gong with Venus! Venus is one of my soul siblings who has guided me, Limbic Space members in deep healing through sound and vibration.

I started preparing for this Medicina community event last Spring with my soul family in Costa Rica, and it has grown into a hub of activities, elements, energies, sensations and people that I love and have daydreamed for, for years. I can’t help feel nervous in love, humbled, in awe.
As the count down begins, I will be quieting inward for Dieta - thank you Earth. (More info on

Wishing you all kindness and ease into this new year of the Rabbit!

10 magical elements we get to explore when we invite our body to lead the learning. Change is revealed from the body up,...

10 magical elements we get to explore when we invite our body to lead the learning. Change is revealed from the body up, not thinking down. New thinking emerges from the changes in our subconscious patterns.

Somatic practice invites us to remember our inherent body wisdom and internal sensation languages. It supports our developing new skills and competencies that lift our core values, and sense of self. Through practice and cultivating awareness over time, our skills become embodied, so that they are readily available to us even when under stress. When we grow more embodied, we start to recognize that stressors can be new areas we get to continue learning from and hone in on our response strategies.

Cheers to another resilient and expansive year ahead, 2022 💪🏽🤩

Safety is a verb, a limbic transference - shared experience, a practice. Safety is relative to each body and the communi...

Safety is a verb, a limbic transference - shared experience, a practice. Safety is relative to each body and the community it breathes in

Safety is not a full stop, limited to preventing harm. Safety also nudges me towards places that hold and share connectedness.

My first journal post for 2021 is my last writing before I journeyed into the mountains & rivers in the traditional home...

My first journal post for 2021 is my last writing before I journeyed into the mountains & rivers in the traditional homelands of the Osage, Cherokee, Caddo, Quapaw, Lipan Apache, Mescalero Apache, Kiowa, Cheyenne-Arapaho and Wichita nations and tribes (more details on IG). Thank you for allowing us on your sacred lands to be humbled and to grow, envision and sing. 🙏🏽
My 17yo self is here with me again, to help kick off this new Gregorian year. I have many desires and hopes; her angst is exciting 💪🏽😎 Let’s go! I wish you all a grounding transition with the oncoming timelines.

As an art therapist, a big part of decolonizing, destigmatizing, de-institutionalizing therapy for my own practice and h...

As an art therapist, a big part of decolonizing, destigmatizing, de-institutionalizing therapy for my own practice and healing was to recognize “clients” as the Artists and Healers, and support them wholeheartedly through their nurturing and reparenting of these vital creative roles within.

I mourn the murdering of our planet, sisters and brothers. I love and honor this indigenous land’s ancestors, animals, p...

I mourn the murdering of our planet, sisters and brothers. I love and honor this indigenous land’s ancestors, animals, plants, the cultural and bio diversity. I am so thankful for the generational wisdom, today’s thoughtful story tellers and animals that nourish my health.
Let’s recognize our role as descendants to stand up to the land eaters and tree destroyers among us, within us.

Racism stems from our most primitive self, the limbic brain (fight flight response), much deeper than our cognitive and ...

Racism stems from our most primitive self, the limbic brain (fight flight response), much deeper than our cognitive and rational intentions. The implicit biases are embodied; centuries of domination, slavery, colonialism, separations are not of the past - they are actively here, in our bodies.
Recognizing and healing white supremacy applies to each and every body, because this very behavior is what continues to perpetuate violence within, self betrayal and self sabotage.

Alongside the potent mass media effects, I am witnessing our community face extreme changes in their work or living situ...

Alongside the potent mass media effects, I am witnessing our community face extreme changes in their work or living situations due to covid19 related budget cuts. With prayerful thoughts, I am in observation of mother earth. I am witnessing important people in my life confront their vulnerabilities and anxieties in ways I have not seen them engage before. And Reiki, shared yoga + meditation, honoring silence have stepped forward as primary tools of communication, connection this week.
I am holding silence with people mourning the sudden losses of their jobs, living situations, from which they had been suffering or seeking some form of change for a long time. Change can be overwhelming and it cracks us wide open for more potentials, pathways.
I honor silence this week, as I open my heart to my own changes coming in. I sit in silence with trust in our growth, mother earth, father sky. I welcome tears to bring movement, empathic clearing, and grounding in our bodies.

This month, I prepared for the spring by grounding back into my roots in Japan. There were moments when it felt more lik...

This month, I prepared for the spring by grounding back into my roots in Japan. There were moments when it felt more like a visit to the epicenter of the ‘pandemic’

🙏🏽 I want to highlight on the parallel between this virus outbreak and the disconnection, discrimination, hypervigilance spreading throughout our communities that are somehow justified because “we don’t want to get infected”. Fear is a much deeper, insidious infection than 2019nCoV (and, what makes us all the more susceptible to it).

While I am learning to be more attentive to my physical health, I invite you to join me in staying curious of this disease as not only the virus itself but our very participation, behaviors and attitude towards one anothers’ biofield and wellbeing.


Those who favor the holiday name change say it's not intended to slight Italian-Americans.

To every healer that’s sat in this armchair - whether as a client, colleague, beloved friend, teacher, all of the above ...

To every healer that’s sat in this armchair - whether as a client, colleague, beloved friend, teacher, all of the above - thank you.
Thank you to every spirit, body, heart and emotion that traveled through this space with me.

February is my last month practicing in this space. I am so profoundly grateful to all of those who have supported my work here, believed in me, our connection and purpose together. Thank you.
I will surely miss the view (especially during christkindlmarket) and the occasional city protests that raise our vibrations in here!

🌙 More updates soon on new location after I settle in and bless the space with my star families, guides and ancestors 🥰🏡


“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Honoring the adaptive survival responses thru trauma sensitive yoga.Heart opener poses are particularly difficult & tell...

Honoring the adaptive survival responses thru trauma sensitive yoga.

Heart opener poses are particularly difficult & telling after a period of defensiveness, feeling the need to prove myself.

Back bends allow me to release my somatic responses; my defensiveness and self criticism show up in mild nausea as I bend back, tightening chest and throat as I invite my heart to open, forward. Breath is medicine here - it genuinely feels like tiger balm.

I combine this with a split to listen in on my survival fear instinct to run, leap and hide. As I channel my flight response, Gaia roots me.


💗💗 play for life

💗💗 play for life

Elder playgrounds have caught on like wildfire as seniors discover a great alternative to gyms or sitting at home alone.

2020 🌟 love yourself forward. The more we feel into our core of authenticity & lovingkindness when we say a word out lou...

2020 🌟 love yourself forward.
The more we feel into our core of authenticity & lovingkindness when we say a word out loud, the more its consciousness hears us, gets to know us, and hopefully aligns with us to work together. Possibilities and ideas are an entire consciousness of their own; words are our portal to connect with their frequencies. Words can tap us into different possibility consciousness realms that we are calling forward. It’s not about what we ask for, but how we ask for and state our dreams into reality.
Like any new encounters, we build trusting relationships with our dreams. One way we cocreate with dreams and manifestations is through purposeful words.
Select words creatively, express them lovingly. Be intentional for the 2020 self and onward.

Creator, open our heartsto peace and healing between all people.Creator, open our heartsto provide and protect for all c...

Creator, open our hearts
to peace and healing between all people.

Creator, open our hearts
to provide and protect for all children of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts
to respect for the earth, and all the gifts of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts
to end exclusion, violence, and fear among all.

Thank-you for the gifts of this day and every day

She greets us every morning, and reminds us that love is rare and love is unconditional. She teaches us to hold our love...

She greets us every morning, and reminds us that love is rare and love is unconditional. She teaches us to hold our loved ones, and share gratitude for this very present moment together. Death is sacred, she is of teaching Light.
the truth is she guides us in everything that we do; healing is grief work as we let go of the things that no longer serve us, ..or had they ever, in the ways that we thought they had been serving us? (This realization can be a moment of death) Grief is in change. Death blesses the nest we leap from.

“let’s enjoy our time on earth and make the most out of our human experience”fear is a real thing, and so is compassion....

“let’s enjoy our time on earth and make the most out of our human experience”
fear is a real thing, and so is compassion. as beings of this planet, we are granted free will. at any point, within our unique biological clocks, we get to take a pause - we can take a moment to reroot our thoughts and actions stemming from a hurtful, hateful place, into a more compassion-based place of heart.
It’s not always easy, it can be tedious work - so thank God for our interconnected existence that we are not alone in this human experience. 🍄
We have the choice to choose compassion at any point of our lives. Together. Thank you.

I am dancing with the trees w big heart openers today to release old attachments with this full moon through my body.the...

I am dancing with the trees w big heart openers today to release old attachments with this full moon through my body.
the trees guided that if I really must revisit the past, to do so with forgiveness, grieve them with thoughtfulness. Let them remain as they are - no need to feed them, nor hold onto them so tightly.

Every Body is maternal. We borrow from our mother’s body to create our body. Every time I notice and hold my body, I hol...

Every Body is maternal. We borrow from our mother’s body to create our body. Every time I notice and hold my body, I hold my mother, my grandmother, .... and every mother in between until the first Mother Earth.

Please inquire for a wait list at this time, with your desired start date and time. 🙏🏽 divine timing is on our side In o...

Please inquire for a wait list at this time, with your desired start date and time. 🙏🏽 divine timing is on our side

In order to serve with genuine and quality time to Wander within, I meet with 8 weekly clients and 2 biweekly clients at a time on Mondays and Wednesdays only. Nonregular single sessions are available early afternoons on Mondays at this time.
On other days of the week, I am counseling for higher levels of care, or providing & receiving trainings.

If Mon / Wednesday’s do not currently work for you, I still invite you to reach out if you are feeling called to Wander. Maybe we can work something out 🙂


It is World Mental Health Day 🌏 here, we celebrate our humanness, imperfections, vulnerabilities and the Energy we ignite within to get up each morning + show up to places for our own wellbeing, goals, or discipline - however we want to call it.. we all participate in life, one way or another and thus the world goes 'round and round. Here we are together💪🐼

Gratitude 🙏🏽 to those who show up, those who allow the space for their darkness and that of others’, those who listen in...

Gratitude 🙏🏽 to those who show up, those who allow the space for their darkness and that of others’, those who listen in with an open heart - in order for their Light to come through and grow.
To heal is the work of the earth warriors - to be the Light in the dark, is to be the anchor of hope in a disconnected place.

I am truly honored to be holding space to open, transmute, release for some of the most radical healers of our community in Chicago.
Thank you thank you thank you - I honor you. Wander🤘🏽

It took my throat chakra some time to share this publicly but... 😳 months ago, my soul sister Marissa invited me to shar...

It took my throat chakra some time to share this publicly but... 😳 months ago, my soul sister Marissa invited me to share my experience on her Soul Guided Podcast 🌈💗
join in on our dialog that took place during the epic polar vortex. & if you haven’t already, wow please tune in on her journey through self discovery, radical self love and expansion 🦋

Francine Shapiro, founder of EMDR has crossed over from this plane today, with countless miracles and radical collective...

Francine Shapiro, founder of EMDR has crossed over from this plane today, with countless miracles and radical collective shift for us to continue on with. Thank you Dr. Shapiro for bringing so much healing into our world. Rest In Peace.

No, we don’t simply move on and forget the past.. the “unprocessed" memories and experiences hold the emotions, physical sensations and beliefs that came about in the time of the event. Our body is nonlinear and can recall from any time periods of our lifetime. As long as we continue to navigate our relationships with internal fragments and confusion, we remain as the fragmented collective.
Let’s heal onward and remember who we truly are born to be on this planet - agents of change.

You can always spot a   & attachment therapist because we Love Wheel-y chairs! Gaging distance and holding attunement wi...

You can always spot a & attachment therapist because we Love Wheel-y chairs! Gaging distance and holding attunement with lovingkindness💗 I am back in my practice in Chicago.
Wander to re(dis)cover our truths🌏🧬🧠
I provide a space to Wander in light, to recover/remember our soul purpose - healing multigenerational traumas, patterns and cycles.
serving the collective prana with art therapy, spirit work, Reiki and Brainspotting.

Blessed Friday to all star beings 💗🌟🌏I am in overwhelming gratitude to have started our Mothers’ Day season with a bliss...

Blessed Friday to all star beings 💗🌟🌏

I am in overwhelming gratitude to have started our Mothers’ Day season with a blissful, sacred reading, connecting with one of the most incredible mothers I have ever met. 🙏🏽 I send deep gratitude to her past life’s mother, now spirit daughter.

MOTHERS! Thank you for manifesting our consciousness to come to life in physical forms 🌍

I was recently asked if untraceable stress/ unidentifiable root of the current emotions are due to ancestral or past lif...

I was recently asked if untraceable stress/ unidentifiable root of the current emotions are due to ancestral or past life stuff - not necessarily.
Our feelings, our interoceptives dictate our sense of safety / threat immediately before even the narrative brain is able to assess. These later can arise as ‘triggers’ - (really, valid messages from our nervous system) or racing heartbeats, chest pain, a variety of discomfort and anxiety symptoms. Feelings speak louder and more authentically than our languaging center.
We can reconnect with the root of our present emotions by engaging deeper with our interoceptive awareness.

Energy flows where attention goes 🧠🧬

Energy flows where attention goes 🧠🧬

We all know a Debby-downer who is perpetually negative and tends to bring everyone down with them. For these people,


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