CCACC CCACC is a non-profit organization serving the greater D.C. area. It consists of many clubs, programs, activities and provides a wide range of services.

A vibrant organization serving, strengthening, and celebrating Chinese American community in the greater DC metropolitan area.

CCACC News - CCACC青少年舞龍隊燃動2025中國城遊行美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 青少年舞龍隊受邀參加美京中華會館 (CCBA) 舉辦的華埠中國城農曆新年遊行活動。這場年度盛事吸引了六十多支隊伍共襄盛舉,其中僅有六個團...

CCACC News - CCACC青少年舞龍隊燃動2025中國城遊行

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 青少年舞龍隊受邀參加美京中華會館 (CCBA) 舉辦的華埠中國城農曆新年遊行活動。這場年度盛事吸引了六十多支隊伍共襄盛舉,其中僅有六個團隊獲邀登台演出。CCACC青少年舞龍隊不僅脫穎而出,更是唯一獲邀登台表演的青少年隊伍,展現龍的精神,真所謂是龍的傳人!





值得一提的是,自2025年1月25日起,CCACC 青少年舞龍隊便開始為中心舉辦的農曆新年慶賀活動進行連場舞龍演出,並將於2月8日為 CCACC 最後一場農曆新年和元宵節慶典畫上圓滿句點。



CCACC News - 華盛頓Jackson Reed高中中文班學生熱情參觀CCACC美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年1月10日上午迎來40名來自華盛頓Jackson Reed高中K-12年級中文班的學生。他們在中文班的蘆憲...

CCACC News - 華盛頓Jackson Reed高中中文班學生熱情參觀CCACC

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年1月10日上午迎來40名來自華盛頓Jackson Reed高中K-12年級中文班的學生。他們在中文班的蘆憲老師和周麗雯老師的帶領下,在寒冷的冬日經過捷運與巴士的長途跋涉,來到位於蒙郡蓋城的CCACC,開啟一段充滿文化交流與體驗的旅程。

學生們的第一站是美京藝廊 (CCACC Art Gallery)。CCACC副會長張麗芳女士以簡潔的開場,代表會長兼美京藝廊館長孫文影女士歡迎師生們。緊接著,中心聯合創始人及歡樂日間保健中心的主任李潮先生以中文生動的介紹了中心的歷史與發展。他引用中的名言「老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼」,闡述了中華文化中尊老愛幼的傳統價值,那也是CCACC秉承的服務宗旨。



大家來到一樓的歡樂日間保健中心 (CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center) 大堂。他們一一走上前台,用中文自我介紹;其中三位學生在眾人的鼓勵下演唱了中文歌曲,贏得陣陣喝彩。一名學生以英語即興演唱,更在表演中邀請耆老合唱互動,歡聲笑語不絕於耳。




(撰文—CCACC 行政辦公室)

CCACC News - CCACC大華府華裔籃球公開賽決賽圓滿落幕美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 大華府華裔籃球公開賽決賽於日前圓滿結束, 冠軍隊是CBC,第二名是OHS,第三名是由房地產投資公司 Brightstar Capital ...

CCACC News - CCACC大華府華裔籃球公開賽決賽圓滿落幕

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 大華府華裔籃球公開賽決賽於日前圓滿結束, 冠軍隊是CBC,第二名是OHS,第三名是由房地產投資公司 Brightstar Capital 贊助的 Brightstar Capital (BC)。

決賽的第一個禮拜,兩場主要的比賽都顛覆了預賽的結果。第一場是預賽第四名的CBC對預賽第一名的BC。在預賽中,BC曾以73比44大勝,但決賽當天BC選手欠缺,勉強成軍。相反地,CBC的12名隊員全部到齊,再加上拖兒帶女龐大的啦啦隊,陣勢强大。從開場CBC就以快速的進攻,頻繁輪換球員,多點開花。另一邊,BC大將Caleb雖然也有很不錯的表現,拿到14分以及3個三分球,但總趕不上CBC的腳步。上半場CBC就以42比26領先,下半場BC仍以Caleb帶領反撲,又投進4個三分球外加14分,但還是難敵CBC的兵多將廣,三個人有10分以上,而且幾乎人人得分,終場CBC以73比49,一雪前恥。決賽的第二場是由預賽第二名的Move Free對上第三名的OHS,預賽時,Move Free以兩分贏過OHS。這次重逢,OHS發揮的比較穩定,有三位得分都超過15分,繼而反敗為勝以63比51贏得勝利,爭取到冠亞軍賽的資格。
決賽最後一天的季軍賽,預測是奪冠熱門的BC 及Move Free兩隊對決。在預賽階段,BC以兩分小勝利。這次重逢,兩隊實力依然是旗鼓相當。兩邊都只有五六個人,戰況也一直膠著難分。Move Free 的Wilson 一支獨秀,投進7個三分球,上下半場各得 22分及25分。BC隊比較平均,五個球員得分全都上雙,Gee的8個三分球以及30分,加上Caleb的5個三分球和21分,奠定了最後BC以81比76贏得第三名。

冠亞軍賽是CBC對陣OHS。預賽時,OHS 曾以47比35贏過CBC,但決賽時CBC仍然承襲兵多將廣及啦啦隊的氣勢,在主將Daren 個人拿到22分的強勢帶領下,從容地以59比46擊敗OHS奪得冠軍。值得一提的是,這次CBC在預賽只是第四名,在決賽分別以24分以及13分贏了回他們在預賽時候輸了29分以及12分的對手。風水倒轉,其實其來有自,是基於全隊隊員及後援的團隊合作精神所致。


CCACC News - CCACC 2025 Lunar New Year Celebration Successfully kicks Off on 1/25The Chinese Culture and Community Servi...

CCACC News - CCACC 2025 Lunar New Year Celebration Successfully kicks Off on 1/25

The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) and Westfield Montgomery held a grand Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at Westfield Montgomery Mall, attracting numerous residents to participate and enjoy this festive occasion filled with joy and traditional charm.

The event commenced at 10:40 AM with a Dragon Parade performed by the CCACC Youth Dragon Team inside the mall. Led by Catherine Brady, Marketing Director of Westfield Montgomery, and special guests Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans from Netflix's reality show "Love Is Blind," the Dragon Team paraded around the mall's main stores and the Food Court.

At 11:00 AM, they returned to the central stage to officially open the celebration, instantly drawing a large crowd of spectators and creating a lively and bustling atmosphere. Following this, the event hosts, Ms. Dorothy Lin and Mr. Charlie Tatum, took the stage to extend heartfelt New Year greetings to the guests and audience in attendance.

Honored guests arrive to extend their congratulations
As introduced by the hosts, Ned Li (CCACC Co-founder & Director of CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center, as well as the chief coordinator of this event) was the first to take the stage to deliver a welcome speech. On behalf of Rita Lewi, Executive Director of CCACC, he warmly welcomed the distinguished guests and audience and extended his heartfelt New Year wishes. He also introduced the Chinese meaning of the pair of grand spring couplets hanging prominently on display, leaving the guests in awe.

Ms. Brady then introduced and invited the special guests, Krause and Josemans, to the stage, prompting a wave of applause and cheers throughout the mall.

Next, Susan Lee, Maryland Secretary of State, took the stage alongside Chung K. Pak, Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings, to deliver a speech. She presented a proclamation jointly signed by Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller, and herself, recognizing CCACC's contributions to the community.

Ms. Lee also invited Christina Poy, Administrative Director of the Governor's Office of Community Initiatives, and Dr. Yang Yu, Chair of the Governor's Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, to join her on stage, expressing their support and appreciation for CCACC.

Ashima Talwar, State Director of U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen Office, took the stage to present a citation personally signed by the senator Van Hollen, recognizing CCACC's efforts in promoting multicultural integration.

Maryland State Delegate Joseph Vogel, who arrived just in time, then took the stage to deliver a speech. He shared his experiences attending CCACC events and highly praised the organization's dedication and contributions to the community over the past over 40 years.

Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive, took the stage alongside Kate Stewart, Montgomery County Council President, and County Councilmembers: Andrew Friedson, Gabe Albornoz, Laurie-Anne Sayles, Marilyn Balcombe, Kristin Mink, Natali Fani-Gonzalez, Dawn Luedtke, as well as Monique Ashton, Rockville Mayor, to present a proclamation.

In his speech, County Executive Elrich emphasized the important contributions of the Asian community to Montgomery County's multicultural landscape and reaffirmed that the county government will continue to support the development of the Asian community. Councilmember Kristin Mink specifically mentioned her Chinese heritage and expressed great pride in CCACC's achievements.

Maxwell Uy, Montgomery County Sheriff, along with Sean O'Donnell, County Deputy Chief Health Officer, and Kimberly Y. Johnson, Director of Area Agency on Aging of Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services, took the stage to deliver speeches.

Julie Yang, President of Montgomery County Board of Education and CCACC Board Member, then spoke on behalf of the education sector and presented a citation to CCACC, recognizing its outstanding achievements in education and cultural preservation.

The spectacular performance captivated the audience
After the speeches by the distinguished guests, the event moved into the exciting performances part. First, performers from Shaolin Hung Fun Kung Fu presented a thrilling Lion Dance. Their superb skills ignited the atmosphere, and in particular, CCACC had specially prepared red envelopes to be distributed to the guests, audience, and children. Everyone eagerly fed the red envelopes to the lion, perfectly showcasing the traditional culture of the Lunar New Year.

The celebration featured a variety of performances, showcasing both traditional and modern arts. Martial arts were demonstrated by students from the US Wushu Academy, followed by captivating Chinese folk dances from the Madison Chinese Dance Academy. The Washington DC Taiwanese School (WDCTS) Yo-Yo Club impressed with their skillful performance.

Traditional arts were highlighted with live Chinese calligraphy and Guzheng music, while the CCACC Evergreen Tai Chi Club performed a Tai Chi Sword. Yi Dance Studio presented an umbrella dance, and Xiaorong Dance Studio performed a folk dance. The CCACC Evergreen Club Choir and members of CCACC Evergreen Club also performed a range of songs and musical pieces.

Other performances included a violin solo, Peking opera, and folk dances, as well as a dance performance by the Potomac Chinese School Parent Dance Class and line dance from CCACC Line Dance Club. There were also multiple Tibetan dance performances and a Rhythmic Tai Chi performance by the CCACC Yah Jue Music Tai Chi Class.

The performances part concluded with a flute solo by Jianchun Wang, followed by a K-Pop dance by CStar Inc. The DMV Qipao Fashion Dance Group showcased traditional Chinese attire with a Qipao Fashion Show.

Finally, we invited the children in the audiences to join the Little Dragon Play, and the cultural program concluded in a lively and festive atmosphere.

CCACC also prepared traditional handicraft and calligraphy booths, as well as a ping-pong automatic ball machine for everyone to enjoy. Additionally, the "Clothing Drive" received a warm response, adding love and warmth to the celebration.

Looking forward to meeting again
The spectacular performances, traditional cultural experiences, and enthusiastic participation in charity left every guest and audience member immersed in joy and warmth. We sincerely appreciate all the guests, performing groups, and volunteers who supported and participated in the event. A special gratitude to Ned Li (CCACC Co-founder and chief coordinator of this event), Chiao-Chiao Liu (Director of CCACC Community Services) and her team for their dedicated efforts and hard work behind the scenes. CCACC looks forward to reuniting with everyone at future events to continue creating a better community cultural life together!

In addition, CCACC will host two more Lunar New Year celebrations to continue the festive spirit. The details are as follows:

· February 1, 2025 (Saturday) from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Westfield Wheaton
· February 8, 2025 (Saturday) from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Westfield Montgomery

At the event on February 8, 2025, in celebration of the Lantern Festival, we will have 100 fun riddles for everyone to enjoy. We will also continue the "Clothing Drive" donation campaign.

Bring us your gently used or new clothes to donate to benefit Interfaith Works. Donors will receive a special red envelope to redeem at participating retailers within Westfield Montgomery. Only from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM on February 8, 2025 while supplies last.

(Article by CCACC Administrative Office)

CCACC News - Stay Tuned for CCACC's Upcoming Lunar New Year Celebrations on 2/1 and 2/8To welcome the 2025 Lunar New Yea...

CCACC News - Stay Tuned for CCACC's Upcoming Lunar New Year Celebrations on 2/1 and 2/8

To welcome the 2025 Lunar New Year and celebrate traditional culture, the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) successfully hosted its first Lunar New Year celebration at Westfield Montgomery on January 25, in collaboration with Westfield Montgomery.

Additionally, CCACC will host two more celebrations to continue the Lunar New Year joy:

🧧Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM at Westfield Wheaton

🧧Saturday, February 8, 2025, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM at Westfield Montgomery

A special highlight of the February 8 event will be a Lantern Riddle Challenge featuring 100 fun riddles, inviting everyone to experience the joy of the traditional Lantern Festival!
Westfield Montgomery Westfield Wheaton

CCACC News - Welcome to Join the "Clothing Drive" on February 8th at Westfield Montgomery The Chinese Culture and Commun...

CCACC News - Welcome to Join the "Clothing Drive" on February 8th at Westfield Montgomery

The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) will host its third Lunar New Year celebration at Westfield Montgomery on February 8th. In addition to dragon and lion dances, cultural performances, and traditional craft booths, Westfield Montgomery, co-host of thecelebration, will continue the "Clothing Drive."

It is a Lunar New Year tradition to rid your wardrobe of old clothes and purchase new clothes! Bring us your gently used or new clothes to donate to benefit Interfaith Works. Donors will receive a special red envelope to redeem at participating retailers within Westfield Montgomery.

Only from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM on February 8th, 2025 while supplies last.

CCACC News - 敬請關注CCACC於2/1及2/8舉行的農曆新年慶賀活動為了迎接2025農曆新年並弘揚傳統文化,美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 攜手Westfield Montgomery,於1月25日在Westfield Mo...

CCACC News - 敬請關注CCACC於2/1及2/8舉行的農曆新年慶賀活動

為了迎接2025農曆新年並弘揚傳統文化,美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 攜手Westfield Montgomery,於1月25日在Westfield Montgomery成功舉辦了首場農曆新年慶典。此外,CCACC還將舉辦兩場慶典賀新年,持續帶來節日歡樂:

2025年2月1日 (週六) ,上午10點半至下午1點半在Westfield Wheaton

2025年2月8日 (週六) ,上午11點至下午3點在Westfield Montgomery

Westfield Montgomery Westfield Wheaton

CCACC News - Westfield Montgomery於2/8繼續發起「捐衣慶新年 愛心贏紅包」活動美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 將於2月8日在Westfield Montgomery舉辦第三場農曆新年慶祝活動。除了舞龍舞獅...

CCACC News - Westfield Montgomery於2/8繼續發起「捐衣慶新年 愛心贏紅包」活動

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 將於2月8日在Westfield Montgomery舉辦第三場農曆新年慶祝活動。除了舞龍舞獅、文藝演出和傳統手工藝攤位外,活動的聯合主辦方Westfield Montgomery還將繼續發起「捐衣慶新年 愛心贏紅包」。
在農曆新年期間,按照傳統習俗,人們會清理舊衣物,購買新衣服,以迎接新的一年!當天歡迎您將舊衣服或新衣服帶到Westfield Montgomery捐給 Interfaith Works,捐贈者將會收到一個特殊紅包,內含參與捐衣活動之商家的優惠券。這項捐衣活動的時間僅限於2月8日 (週六)上午11時至下午3時,紅包送完為止。

CCACC News - 金蛇納福 喜迎新春 CCACC 2025首場農曆新年慶典成功舉辦美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年1月25日 (週六) 在Westfield Montgomery隆重舉辦2025農曆新年慶祝活動,吸引了...

CCACC News - 金蛇納福 喜迎新春 CCACC 2025首場農曆新年慶典成功舉辦

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年1月25日 (週六) 在Westfield Montgomery隆重舉辦2025農曆新年慶祝活動,吸引了眾多市民到場參與,共度這個充滿歡樂與傳統韻味的節日。

活動於上午10點40分由CCACC青少年舞龍隊在商場內的舞龍遊行揭開序幕,在Westfield Montgomery市場部主任Catherine Brady女士及本次活動特邀嘉賓—來自Netflix真人秀 "Love Is Blind" 的Taylor Krause女士和Garrett Josemans先生的引領下,舞龍隊繞行商場主要商家及美食廣場,隨興表演。11點時回到中央舞台為本次慶典開幕。舞龍隊在鏗鏘有力的鼓聲中,只見金龍翻騰起舞,栩栩如生,瞬間吸引了大批觀眾駐足欣賞,場面熱鬧非凡。隨後,活動司儀林比惠 (Dorothy Lin) 女士與唐查理 (Charlie Tatum) 先生登台,為現場來賓與觀眾送上誠摯的新年祝福。

在司儀的介紹下,李潮先生 (CCACC聯合創始人 & 歡樂日間保健中心主任,同時也是本次活動的總協調) 率先上台致歡迎詞。他代表CCACC會長孫文影女士向到場的嘉賓與觀眾表達熱烈歡迎和新年的美好祝願,並向觀眾介紹了眼前高懸的一對巨幅春聯,「琴韻鼓聲辭舊歲,龍飛鳳舞賀新年」的含義, 令嘉賓們讚歎不已。Brady女士介紹並邀請特邀嘉賓Krause女士和Josemans先生上台,商場內隨即響起陣陣掌聲與歡呼聲。

隨後,馬里蘭州務卿李鳳遷 (Susan Lee) 女士攜Chung K. Pak (馬州行政聽證辦公室首席行政法官) 上台致詞,並帶來由馬州州長Wes Moore、副州長Aruna Miller及州務卿李鳳遷本人聯名簽署的褒揚狀,表彰CCACC對社區的貢獻。李女士還邀請馬州亞太裔事務委員會行政主任王佩蓮 (Christina Poy) 及州長亞太裔事務委員會主席Yang Yu博士一同上台,表達對CCACC的支持與肯定。

接著,美國參議員Chris Van Hollen辦公室主任Ashima Talwar代表參議員Chris Van Hollen上台並頒發其親筆簽署的褒揚狀,以表彰CCACC對多元文化融合的推動。及時趕到的馬里蘭州眾議員Joseph Vogel上台致詞,分享了自己曾參與許多CCACC舉辦的活動,並高度讚揚CCACC 40多年來為社區所做的努力和貢獻。

蒙郡郡長Marc Elrich攜同蒙郡議會議長Kate Stewart及議員Andrew Friedson, Gabe Albornoz, Laurie-Anne Sayles, Marilyn Balcombe, Kristin Mink, Natali Fani-Gonzalez, Dawn Luedtke以及Rockville市長Monique Ashton一同上台,頒發由郡長及議長簽署的褒揚狀。Elrich郡長在致詞中強調了亞裔群體對蒙郡多元文化的重要貢獻,並表示郡政府將繼續支持亞裔社區的發展。議員Kristin Mink特別提及自己擁有華裔血統,對CCACC的成就深感驕傲。

蒙郡警長Maxwell Uy以及蒙郡副首席衛生官Sean O'Donnell、蒙郡衛生與公共服務部轄下老齡事務部主任Kimberly Y. Johnson一起登台致詞,為活動增添光彩。蒙郡教育委員會主席及CCACC董事楊成華 (Julie Yang) 女士則代表教育界致詞,並向CCACC頒發褒揚狀,肯定其在教育與文化傳承方面的傑出成就。





逸舞社再次登場,帶來藏族舞《雪域》,舞姿熱情洋溢;中心常青社的葉有成、曾翠蘭亦再次登台表演幽默風趣的雙人西藏舞《逛新城》;中心雅竹音韻太極班在陳鳳凰老師指導下,帶來動靜結合的太極表演《望春風》。接著,王建春先生表演笛子獨奏,旋律悠揚悅耳;K-Pop街舞團CStar Inc. 在Christina Zhou的指導下,表演充滿動感的"Armageddon",盡顯青春洋溢;大華府旗袍時裝藝術團由孫竹青老師指導,呈現壓軸旗袍秀表演,展示華服之美。


CCACC在當天的慶典中準備了傳統手工和書法攤位以及乒乓球自動發球機供大家參與娛樂項目。Westfield Montgomery發起的 “Clothing Drive” 愛心捐衣活動也得到熱烈響應,為本次慶賀活動增添了愛心與溫暖。

精彩的文藝表演、傳統文化體驗以及熱心公益的參與,讓現場的每一位嘉賓和觀眾都沉浸在歡樂與溫馨之中。這不僅是一場慶祝農曆新年的盛會,更是一個凝聚社區力量、傳承文化與分享愛心的平台。衷心感謝所有支持和參與活動的嘉賓、演出團體及志願者們,特別感謝美京社區服務中心 (CCACC Community Services) 主任李皎皎及其團隊在幕後的奉獻和辛勞。CCACC期待與大家在未來的活動中再次相聚,共同打造更美好的社區文化生活!


2025年2月1日 (週六) ,上午10點半至下午1點半於Westfield Wheaton
2025年2月8日 (週六) ,上午11點至下午3點於Westfield Montgomery

2025年2月8日的活動中,我們除了為大家準備了100個有趣的燈謎,慶祝元宵節。Westfield Montgomery還將繼續發起 "Clothing Drive" 捐衣活動,歡迎您將舊衣服或新衣服帶到商場,捐贈者將會收到一個特殊紅包,內含參與捐衣活動之商家的優惠券。活動的時間僅限於2月8日 (週六) 上午11時至下午3時,紅包送完為止。

Westfield Montgomery


Community News - Gaithersburg Celebrates Black History Month

The City of Gaithersburg celebrates and honors Black History Month with educational programs, exhibits and an official proclamation. Explore all programs and events here:

An official proclamation designating February 2025 as "Black History Month" in the City of Gaithersburg will be presented at the February 3 Mayor and City Council meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meeting at 16 S. Summit Hall Ave., watch it live on YouTube or watch it via Zoom by registering here:

The City celebrates & honors Black History Month with a variety of educational programs, discussions, and an official proclamation.

Community News - Chinatown Lunar New Year's Parade & Festivities in Washington, DCLunar New Year Parade in downtown Chin...

Community News - Chinatown Lunar New Year's Parade & Festivities in Washington, DC

Lunar New Year Parade in downtown Chinatown, DC, on Sunday, February 2, at 2 p.m. Celebrate with us as we honor vibrant traditions and welcome a prosperous new year! The parade features various community-based cultural performers in Washington, DC and winds through the streets of DC’s Chinatown. Visit for more information.

The CCACC (Chinese Culture and Community Service Center) Youth Dragon Dance Team will perform in this Lunar New Year Parade in downtown Chinatown, DC.


CCACC Announcement - 2025農曆新年祝福與節假日安排

美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 恭祝大家 2025 農曆乙巳蛇年新春愉快,吉祥如意,鴻運當頭!

中心將於 2025 年 1 月 29 日(大年初一,週三)暫停服務,並於 1 月 30 日(大年初二,週四)恢復開放。



CCACC Announcement - 2025 Lunar New Year Wishes and Holiday Schedule

CCACC extends our warmest wishes for a joyful and prosperous 2025 Lunar New Year of the Snake! May this year bring you happiness, good fortune, and success.

Please note that we will be closed on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (Lunar New Year’s Day), and services will resume on Thursday, January 30, 2025 (the second day of the Lunar New Year).

Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a safe and peaceful year ahead!

CCACC News - 🎉✨ Mark your calendars ✨🎉CCACC 2025 Lunar New Year Celebration is just around the corner! 🐍📆Date: Saturday,...

CCACC News - 🎉✨ Mark your calendars ✨🎉

CCACC 2025 Lunar New Year Celebration is just around the corner! 🐍

📆Date: Saturday, 01/25/2025
🕗Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
📍Location: Westfield Montgomery Mall
🎭Highlights: Spectacular performances, festive vibes, and a heartfelt Cloth Drive

Join us to welcome the Year of the Snake with joy, culture, and community. Let’s make it a celebration to remember!

Westfield Montgomery

CCACC News - ✨🐍 CCACC 2025 農曆新年慶賀活動即將登場!🐍✨📆 日期: 2025年1月25日(週六)🕚 時間: 上午11:00 - 下午3:00📍 地點: Westfield Montgomery Mall🎉 活動亮...

CCACC News - ✨🐍 CCACC 2025 農曆新年慶賀活動即將登場!🐍✨

📆 日期: 2025年1月25日(週六)
🕚 時間: 上午11:00 - 下午3:00
📍 地點: Westfield Montgomery Mall

🎉 活動亮點: 精彩的現場表演、滿滿的新年氛圍,還有暖心捐衣活動等你參與!❤️👕


Westfield Montgomery

CCACC News - CCACC Art Gallery Launches Mingming Cheung's Solo ExhibitionThe CCACC Art Gallery held a successful opening...

CCACC News - CCACC Art Gallery Launches Mingming Cheung's Solo Exhibition

The CCACC Art Gallery held a successful opening reception of Mingming Cheung's solo exhibition, "The Home Is Where the Heart Lies," on Saturday, January 18, 2025, attracting over 100 guests. Maryland State Delegate Joseph Vogel presented a citation to the artist.

The citation was to congratulate the launch of Cheung's 7-week solo exhibition and recognize her founding of the Chinese Culture and Art League (CCAL) for promoting diverse arts in the community. In return, Cheung gifted Delegate Vogel a watercolor painting titled "Lighthouse," leaving him pleasantly surprised and deeply moved.

The opening reception began at 2:00 PM last Saturday, with Rita Lewi, Executive Director of CCACC and Director of CCACC Art Gallery, giving an opening remarks, warmly welcoming the guests and introducing the exhibit artist, Mingming Cheung. Lewi highlighted that CCAL has maintained a close partnership with CCACC for many years, jointly organizing numerous cultural exchange events.

DongPei He, Executive Director of CCAL, echoed Lewi's words by reflecting on the history of collaborations between CCAL and CCACC, while emphasizing Cheung's role in fostering cultural and artistic exchange between China and the United States. Acclaiming Cheung as "an outstanding watercolor artist," Dongpei He shared that before COVID-19, Cheung taught watercolor classes at CCACC headquarters; during COVID-19, however, Cheung started to teach online. Despite fighting cancer, Cheung has remained dedicated to both her art and teaching for over a decade. She captures the beauty of everyday life with her paintbrush and enthusiastically leads her students in exploring the limitless possibilities of watercolor art. Among the works exhibited are several depictions of familiar landmarks in the Greater Washington area, such as the Potomac River, illustrating Cheung's deep appreciation for life and her surroundings.

Next, Cheung went on stage to deliver a speech. She began by expressing her sincere gratitude to Lewi, Kit-Keung Kan, Senior Advisor of CCACC Art Gallery, May Zhou, Executive Secretary of CCACC, and all the friends who supported the exhibition. She reminisced about how the CCACC Art Gallery has provided a platform for Chinese artists to showcase their work over the years.

Cheung stated that the works on display primarily feature her watercolor creations from the past decade, including still lifes, florals, and landscapes of her beloved Greater Washington area. These pieces reflect her meticulous observations of everyday life and her profound appreciation for the beauty of nature. Cheung humbly asked the audience to provide feedback and suggestions on her artworks.

Finally, Dongpei He introduced CCAL, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting cultural interaction between China and the United States. Since its inception in 2010, CCAL has received enthusiastic support from esteemed senior artists, who have greatly contributed to accomplishing its mission.

Among the participants of the opening reception were Ned Li, Cofounder of CCACC and Director of CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center; Chih-Hsiang Li, Cofounder of CCACC and Director of CCACC Sports; Jane Yang, Secretary of CCACC Board of Directors; Li-Fang C. Liu, Deputy Executive Director of CCACC; May Zhou, Executive Secretary of CCACC; Kit-Keung Kan, Senior Advisor of CCACC Art Gallery; and many members of CCAL.

"The Home Is Where the Heart Lies" exhibition will be run until February 28, 2025. We cordially invite people from all walks of life to visit and immerse themselves in Cheung's artistic world, experiencing the tranquility and beauty captured in her works, and exploring the endless charm of watercolor art.

CCACC extends its heartfelt thanks to CCAL for their generous donation to the CCACC Art Gallery, which has made a significant contribution to promoting artistic and cultural exchange.

"Home Is Where the Heart Lies" Mingming Cheung's Solo Exhibition
Exhibition Period: 01/11/2025 – 02/28/2025
Gallery Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Gallery E-mail & Phone: [email protected]; 301-820-7200 Ext. 8522
Address: CCACC Art Gallery, 9318 Gaither Road, Suite 215, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Parking and Admission: Free

(Article by CCACC Art Gallery)

CCACC News - CCACC張燈結彩迎新春 歡迎本週六1/25前來共慶佳節    為迎接2025年1月25日起在Westfield Montgomery Mall舉行的農曆新年慶賀活動,美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年...

CCACC News - CCACC張燈結彩迎新春 歡迎本週六1/25前來共慶佳節

為迎接2025年1月25日起在Westfield Montgomery Mall舉行的農曆新年慶賀活動,美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 於2025年1月11日 (週六) 在冰天雪地的深夜組織佈置商場直至午夜以後。大家從晚間九點商場對外關閉後開始陸續作業,室外天寒地凍,商場內依然熱火朝天,所有人齊心協力,忙碌的身影在一樓和二樓穿梭,默默奉獻,展現出團結一心的力量。



在現場幫忙的其他中心同仁和義工有: 美京社區服務中心主任李皎皎、CCACC常青社社長劉佳、後勤支援總管董一明、維修專員高潤坤、美京居家護理中心註冊專員助理馬賽及其夫婿Peter Qi、美京醫療中心主任陸惠興女士的夫婿潘先生、孫政與其女友、Alexander Felberg、季素梅、鐘萍、吴婕、張燕馳、秦朗、閻平。



2025年1月25日 (週六) ,上午11點至下午3點於Westfield Montgomery Mall;

2025年2月1日 (週六) ,上午10點半至下午1點半於Westfield Wheaton Mall;

2025年2月8日 (週六) ,上午11點至下午3點於Westfield Montgomery Mall。

2025年2月8日 (週六) 於Westfield Montgomery Mall 舉辦的活動中,我們還為大家準備了100個有趣的燈謎,慶祝元宵節。


Westfield Montgomery

CCACC News - 「此心安處是我家」張恨水之女張明明個展完美開幕 馬州眾議員Joseph Vogel親來祝賀美京藝廊 (CCACC Art Gallery) 於2025年1月18日 (週六) 成功舉辦「此心安處是我家」張恨水之女張明...

CCACC News - 「此心安處是我家」張恨水之女張明明個展完美開幕 馬州眾議員Joseph Vogel親來祝賀

美京藝廊 (CCACC Art Gallery) 於2025年1月18日 (週六) 成功舉辦「此心安處是我家」張恨水之女張明明個展的開幕茶會,吸引了逾百位來賓前來參加。馬里蘭州眾議員Joseph Vogel先生親赴藝廊為張明明女士頒發褒揚狀。

開幕茶會於當日下午二時準時開始。美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 會長及美京藝廊館長孫文影女士首先致詞,對到場的嘉賓表示熱烈歡迎,並隆重介紹本次個展的主角—藝術家張明明女士。孫館長提及,張明明女士創立的「中華文化藝術同盟」 (Chinese Culture and Art League, CCAL) 與CCACC有著多年的緊密合作,曾共同推動了多場文化交流活動。

隨後,CCAL現任會長何東培女士發表感言。她回憶起CCAL與CCACC攜手合作的歷史,尤其提到張明明女士作為一名中美文化藝術交流的使者,曾協助國內藝術家在美京藝廊展出作品,讓更多人看到華人藝術的獨特魅力;也曾熱心地帶著美國華人藝術家在中國北京、安徽、江蘇、福建、廣東等地舉辦六場展覽。何女士介紹道: 「張明明老師是水彩畫領域的傑出藝術家,她在疫情前於CCACC開設水彩課程,疫情期間轉為網絡授課,十多年來始終堅持創作與教學。她以畫筆記錄生活中的點滴美好,並熱心帶領學員探索水彩藝術的無限可能。此次展出作品中,有多幅描畫的是大家都很熟悉的大華府地區的著名風景,比如,波多馬克河,由此可見明明老師是一位非常熱愛生活的藝術家。」

緊接著在一陣熱烈的掌聲歡迎中,張明明老師上台致詞。她首先感謝孫文影館長、美京藝廊資深顧問靳杰強老師、CCACC主任秘書周梅月女士,以及所有支持本次展覽的朋友們。她深情回憶起美京藝廊多年來為華人藝術家提供的展示平台, 並說,本次展出的作品以她最近十年的水彩創作為主,涵蓋靜物、花草,以及她深愛的華府地區的風景寫生。這些作品傳遞出她對日常生活的細膩觀察和對自然之美的深刻體悟,張老師以謙遜的態度懇請大家多多給予她的作品建議。


下午三時,馬里蘭州眾議員Joseph Vogel先生特地前來祝賀張明明老師個展的成功舉辦,並向她頒發了一份褒揚狀,表彰其創立CCAL,對社區多元化藝術做出的傑出貢獻。為表感謝,張明明老師特地贈送一幅題為的畫作給Vogel眾議員,這份用心的禮物令他倍感驚喜。




展期: 1月11日至2月28日
藝廊開放時間: 週二、三、五、六,中午12點至下午5點
藝廊郵箱及電話: [email protected] ;301-820-7200 分機8522
藝廊地址: 9318 Gaither Road, Suite 215, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
停車及入場: 免費



9366 Gaither Road
Gaithersburg, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9pm - 4pm




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Our Story

Welcome to the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) website! CCACC was established in November 1982 and has grown to become an organization of over 2000 members. We are a non-profit and non-partisan organization serving the greater Washington D.C. area. CCACC consists of many clubs, programs, activities, and provides a wide range of services. The programs and services are grouped into the following three divisions and a special program: Health and Human Services Division, Education Division, Culture and Recreation Divison and Adult Day HealthCare Center. We are one of the largest grass root organizations in the Washington Metropolitan area and is approved by IRS as a 501 C (3) non-profit organization.


· A vibrant organization serving, strengthening, and celebrating Chinese American community