The Rowan Tree is a women-focused coworking and cogrowth community that allows you to:
Participate in thought-provoking, invigorating, and fun educational and social events
Develop mentor and mentee relationships that can help guide you as you navigate your career path
We believe that a happy life is one that is productive, filled with supportive relationships, and balanced.
And while we believe that working hard is key to success – we also believe that working doesn’t have to suck. That is – work shouldn’t suck out your passion, your soul, your health, or your creativity.
After a respectable amount of time in the working world, we realized that so far, we really haven’t seen many good role models of women who find that balance of kicking career ass without sacrificing family life or elements of themselves.
We want to change that. We want to create a space focused on women who need a place to work and meet with clients – but also want to feel inspired, energized, and connected. We want to link smart, funny, creative (and remember – creative doesn’t always mean artsy!), supportive, growth-oriented, and heart-centered women to each other. We want to foster relationships between budding and seasoned professionals – showing our young women what a balanced and driven life can look like.
We want to help you plant your roots into the community, so you can branch out and grow like you never imagined.
We know what happens when you bring a passionate and driven group of women together. WE DO AMAZING THINGS.
Imagine working in a warm and inviting space full of color. Where you can work in an open space and share ideas, or work quietly and take a private phone call. Where you can take a break to do some yoga, or borrow some paint and create something (paint by numbers totally counts!). Where you can join us for an engaging event and meet with some of the most interesting, happy, well-adjusted, and successful women in the community while learning tips for balanced success. All of this while working with an organization rooted in creativity, health, and making our community a better place.
As does water and sunshine for plants, working at the Rowan Tree can help nourish, energize, and grow your career – and maybe transform your soul a bit, too.
A bit about us:
Amy and Kate have been best friends for 15+ years. We also happen to share the same April 9th birthday which is represented by the Rowan Tree. We are building the Rowan Tree to change the future of how women cowork and cogrow together. Fostering a culture of support, kindness, and encouragement of one another’s successes, Rowan Tree will energize the way women work and provide a balance of connection, creativity, and wellness.
We’ve been in the workforce as management consultants, communications and marketing/graphic design specialists for years. We believe that like the Rowan Tree, we can and should be incredibly diverse in our growth, often growing in seemingly impossible locations. We want to help you grow where YOU are planted, and reach professional and personal goals beyond your imagination.
Interested in being a part of the Rowan Tree launch and story?
Email us! [email protected]
Follow us:
Instagram: @workrowan
Twitter: @WorkRowan