If you have been following along, you have heard from Holli how she went from 308lbs down to 163lbs and is learning to maining her current weight with a sustainable healthy lifestyle. She went from living with the fear of developing chronic, potentially life ending diseases, to living her best life. She is sleeping better, her health markers are all in the normal ranges, and she is able to do things she never thought possible. She feels great, comfortable both emotionally and physically in her own skin. Not only that, but she is inspiring those around her to start taking a look at their own habits and developing new, healthier ones. She is an inspiration to herself as well as those around her.
Thank you Holli for sharing your story with all of us and letting us all see that it is possible to undo lifelong habits and create new ones.
Here is Holli now! Healthy and Strong! Holli now has the confidence level of a 10!
Holli is finally comfortable in her own skin, both physically and emotionally. Her words to others is that it IS POSSIBLE. She is sleeping better, her health markers are all on point, she is running, and she is truly enjoying her new healthy lifestyle. She has become an inspiration to those around her, truly having a ripple effect of health.
Here are some of Holli’s final thoughts.
Hear Holli’s words to her former self!
Holli had support throughout her journey. Even once our time together was complete, she still went back to review conversations we had had to help her stay on track. More, she developed a health partner in her husband. This partnership led to a ripple effect as her husband, who manages Crohn’s Disease, also created his own health tools that resulted in positive impacts in his overall well-being.
Hear what choices they have made and continue to make together that not only have benefitted their their physical health but their relationship as a couple.
Being overweight is a mental struggle. Diets cause deprivation and are only temporary. Having the education, the tools, and the support helped set Holli up for a healthier lifestyle resulting in weight loss as well as improving her physical and mental well being.
Hear what road Holli could have gone down had she not found the tools she needed and had not taken the chance on herself.
“The only way to do this is with diet and exercise. Calorie counting and fat monitoring is exhausting and depressing and not sustainable. Mentally it makes you feel deprived…..it is detrimental to your success”
Holli realized that she could make a choice, and she chose a different lifestyle that was more rewarding and sustainable. Hear what “dieting” felt like to her and how much better she feels now.
Have you ever felt like Holli? Tried so many different diets that led to quick weight loss only to have it come back just as quickly if not faster?
Here Holli explains what finally worked for her, slow, gradual changes, looking at ingredients, tracking her meals, reflecting on what her body was telling her when it came to her hunger and fullness cues, and making small changes that are just a part of her everyday now. Having not just the support and guidance but the proper tools to help her fuel her body optimally.
Evolving with the weight gain while ererything she did felt like a chore.
Listen as we dive deeper into Holli’s past and what led her to her 300+ weight.
Yo-Yo dieting is a very common occurrence as we try to find the tools that will work for us. Quick fixes like liquid diets, prepackaged processed foods, and low calories, often lead to a slower metabolism and rebound weight gain.
Working out the kinks on how best to start sharing Holli’s story. It is an hour long video so I am breaking up in smaller parts, please forgive the tech challenges.
Here is Holli, a 10! Let’s hear her explain why she now sees herself as a 10 striving to be an 11!