Miracle Morning Documentary Launch Chat
Live again with Brianna Greenspan celebrating The Miracle Morning® (www.MiracleMorning.com) documentary premiering today at 12pm EST!
Miraclemorningmovie.com discount code: brivip
EDS & Related Conditions - Current Updates with Dr. Paldeep Atwal
So proud! Congratulations to our amazing friend! #Repost @healedandempowered
Is this real life? OMG 🤯
I found out yesterday that I have been selected to do a poster presentation on CSF leaks and headaches in the #EDS population at the @ehlers.danlos syndrome 2020 Global Learning Conference!
This will be the first time that a presentation all about CSF leaks in EDS patients will be delivered at this conference. I am beyond honored, excited, and #grateful for this opportunity!
This condition almost took my life, largely due to lack of awareness.
This condition affects my husband and caused him to leave a career that he loved.
This condition affects some of my dearest friends. 😖
This condition leaves many people bed bound, isolated, and hopeless.
This condition can cause such severe #brainfog that it can mimic dementia.
This condition is CURABLE!
If you are affected by this condition, I know how you feel. I know it seems dark and hopeless. I see you. Keep fighting... you are not alone. 🙏🏽
Things CAN get better, and many of us are working to raise awareness for a brighter tomorrow 🌄 .
#EhlersDanlosSyndrome #CSFleak #chronicillness #invisibleillness #spinalCSFleak #zebrastrong #whitecoat #research #physicianassistant #pasdothat #pasofinstagram #professor #advocate #awareness #manifest #survivor #headache
“Kendra Neilsen Myles interviewed me for her amazing organization EDS Wellness. We talked about the challenges of producing 'We Are Visible' and about future plans.”
Link to Q&A - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ned9PcFZ3mk&t=1 (in bio)
EDS Wellness’ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXhUa5u3ZCGmSNAlrwVvleQ
“All planned events are on the official website www.we-are-visible-film.com. After those screenings, the film will be available on a streaming platform which I will announce on the website and my social media profiles. :)”
Shared and reposted with permission from Karina Sturm - Writer, Author, Professional Patient #WeAreVisible #EDSAwareness #EDSWellness #EDSDocumentary #Advocacy #PublicHealth #KarinaSturm #MedEd #Genetics #ConnectiveTissue #Hypermobility #EhlersDanlos #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #LiveEDSStrong #Just5Minutes
Holistic Pain Management for EDS & Related Disorders with Brianna Cardenas, PA-C
Disrupting EDS - A Nutritional Genomics Approach
#Repost @nutritionalgenomicsinstitute
Busy week @snppros
Tonight at 7pm I’m giving a #free lecture for EDS Wellness-please visit my page for the webinar registration link! Tomorrow night at 7pm EST-we are having a lecture on #multiplechemicalsensitivity Please join us for these exciting #lectures
#eds #ehlersdanlossyndrome #nutritionscience #nutrigenomics www.snppros.com
Live Community Q&A with Dr. Lawrence Afrin
Live Community Q&A & Discussion with Dr. Lawrence Afrin - Join Us!
Please ask questions under the live stream below.
#Repost @lindabluestein
Do you belong to the HMSA? If you are interested in hypermobility and or in hypermobility disorders, I strongly encourage you to join. This organization is doing great work! Check them out at Hypermobility.org. Once you join you will receive this publication free straight from the UK!🦓🦓🦓 #Hyperobility
@hmsacharity @healthydancer_canada @hypermobileyogi @hhhpodcast @hypermobilityconnect @jeannie_di
‘Mind-Body Strategies for Hypermobility & Chronic Pain’ – a movement and mindfulness-based program and support group. Course developed and implemented in November 2016 by Kenda Neilsen Myles at The Mindfulness Center in Bethesda, MD. This course focuses on the foundational series of 4 mindfulness & movement-based workshops, including smaller group support meetings. Content from each workshop builds from the next and includes a mind-body-focused movement “class.”
Example of Topics Covered (not complete list of topics):
- “What is Mindfulness and How Will it Help me?” – Definition of Mindfulness
- Types of “mindfulness” exercises vs. types of meditation practices
- Other mindfulness-based self-care strategies – visualization, breathing techniques, gratitude journal, writing, tapping, etc.
- The overlaps between mindfulness strategies, and mental health and brain “retraining” therapies
- Alternative & Complementary Therapies
Lifestyle “medicine” – Nutrition & Mindful Movement for Daily Life
- The importance of establishing a consistent self-directed movement and mindfulness program at home
- Meditation vs. mindfulness? Is there a difference? How to find what works best for you.
- Simple mindfulness and restorative exercises to relieve stress, promote daily self-care and foster a wellness mindset Program abstract was submitted and accepted for a poster presentation at the 2018 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health Academic Consortium. We are excited to launch this program again soon & to offer both online (recorded) and virtual (live) participation, as well as to conduct the intended and planned research to support mind-body & integrative approaches to restoring function and living well with EDS, HSD & related disorders. Link to 2018 program abstract & related information: https://edswellness.org/mind-body-strategies-program-abstract-submitted-accepted-poster-presentation-2018-international-congress-integrative-medi
Who is EDS Wellness?
How did we get started and why?
Our mission and vision were in motion (& movement), literally & figuratively, years ago. Glad not much has changed since our first set of videos were recorded!
Full recording of our “Who is EDS Wellness?” Video is on IG TV.
We also filmed patient education videos for Dr. Francomano that day - thanks to our good friends (who are more like family) at Lucky Dog Filmworks. Lucky Dog specializes in documentaries and reality-based shows such as Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet (@yukonvet). Most importantly, they also give back and help out communities (& small, growing nonprofits) in need.
We’ve been sorting through, organizing and moving videos because we merged the two YouTube channels EDS Wellness had for some reason. EDS Wellness is officially using the YouTube channel associated with our Google/G Suite Nonprofit account; however, we need likes & subscribers!
Will you help us?
We are starting from scratch and need 100 subscribers to enable us to customize our channel as we had done before.
Thank you for your support & patience while we continue to work on our website, edit and upload videos to both YouTube and our eLearning platform and make sure our resources are updated and easily accessible for our community.
To like & subscribe to our new YouTube channel, please go to (link in bio also): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXhUa5u3ZCGmSNAlrwVvleQ