Lose an hour, not your hearing!
Remember hearing protection for all your spring projects🔧🛠
Even our mannequins need hearing tests! Calibration allows us to ensure when we are measuring environmental sounds, we are providing accurate sound level readings. This allows us graduate clinicians to appropriately counsel and help patients and peers!
Warning! The screams of 3rd year Au.D. students can reach hazardous noise exposure levels! Even in the anechoic chamber!
Happy Halloween from the UISAFE team!
Live music is in the air at Iowa City Jazz fest! 🎶 Join third-year AuD student Jeff as he inserts some earplugs in 3 simple steps—roll, pull, and hold!
How-to properly insert earplugs
Get earplugs that last longer than your quarantine haircut! Check out our panel of audiology students show you how to properly put in different kinds of earplugs.
Silicone, in-ear earplugs provide a reusable alternative to disposable foam plugs we all know, love, then throw in the trash. Wear earplugs at concerts, when listening to loud music you can’t control, or any other loud activity. Keep earplugs in your pocket or on a keychain to always have them with you. You can also have a custom pair made for your ears in our clinic! Ask your audiologist at the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing clinic about these, or a pair of over ear “Hawkears” with the tiger hawk logo on the side in several amazing color designs.
Our clinic website is: https://clas.uiowa.edu/comsci/clinical-services
You can also find filtered reusable plugs here https://www.etymotic.com/ety-plugsr-high-fidelity-earplugs-blue-standard-2-pack.html