One of Vocational Rehabilitation Nevada's priorities is helping people who are deaf, deaf/blind, and hard of hearing find rewarding jobs. If you or someone you know has a hearing disability, contact us at Professionals like VR's Laura Thompson are ready to support you on your employment journey!
Transcript: Hello! My name is Laura Thompson (L-T for short). I’m a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing (D/DB/HH). The D/DB/HH team helps D/DB/HH individuals find jobs. We also work with companies and organizations in Nevada to help them understand that people with hearing loss and combined hearing and other disabilities can be successful in the workplace. If you have a hearing disability and would like help succeeding in the workplace, contact us at V-R-Nevada-dot-org. We look forward to supporting you on your journey!
It’s National Career Coach Day! If you’re a person with a disability looking for a job, or know someone who is, the Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation offers FREE career coaching as well as many other services. Check out the success stories of many Nevadans with disabilities who have found rewarding employment with the help of VR Nevada:
#NationalCareerCoachDay #VocationalRehabilitation
Happy Holidays from all of us at VR Nevada!
LET’S BUST THIS MYTH: “Accommodations for people with disabilities are expensive and complex.” Actually, nearly half of accommodations for disabled cost nothing. And one-time costs amount to about $300. A low-cost, high-impact strategy for expanding the available workforce to address labor shortages.
Today is White Cane Awareness Day! For blind people, the white cane is an essential tool for achieving a full and independent life. It allows them to move freely and safely from place to place—whether it's at work, at school, or around the neighborhood.
Register now for a free Oct. 16 webinar on Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security for those with disabilities. The information will be specifically tailored to self-advocates, family members and professionals from the disability community. Register at: Nevada Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities
The 700-Hour Program matches qualified job candidates with disabilities with State of Nevada agencies. So far in 2024, VR Nevada has helped 27 people obtain jobs with 18 different state agencies. Interested in learning how the program works? Get the details at
#VocationalRehabilitation #DisabilityInclusion #AbilitiesNotDisabilities
🐕🦺 It’s International Assistance Dog Week! 🐕🦺 These canine heroes help people with disabilities by alerting their humans when seizures are imminent, opening doors and turning on lights, guiding the blind as they walk, and helping those with PTSD and other psychiatric issues. Do you have an assistance dog? Post a photo of your good boy or girl in action in the comments below!
#AssistanceDog #GuideDog #ServiceDog #MedicalAlertDog #AbilitiesNotDisabilities #DisabilityInclusion #PeopleWithDisabilities
Las pequeñas empresas que adoptan la diversidad y la inclusión no solo están haciendo el bien por sus empleados, sino que también están dando un gran ejemplo para la comunidad. Al emplear a personas con discapacidades, estos negocios están ganando una ventaja competitiva y demostrando que todos merecen la oportunidad de tener éxito.
Descriptor: Empleados de VR Nevada usando el quiosco de comentarios.
One of Vocational Rehabilitation Nevada's priorities is helping people who are deaf, deaf/blind, and hard of hearing find rewarding jobs. If you or someone you know has a hearing disability, contact us at Professionals like VR's Laura Thompson are ready to support you on your employment journey!
Transcript: Hello! My name is Laura Thompson (L-T for short). I’m a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing (D/DB/HH). The D/DB/HH team helps D/DB/HH individuals find jobs. We also work with companies and organizations in Nevada to help them understand that people with hearing loss and combined hearing and other disabilities can be successful in the workplace. If you have a hearing disability and would like help succeeding in the workplace, contact us at V-R-Nevada-dot-org. We look forward to supporting you on your journey!
LET’S BUST THIS MYTH: “Accommodations for people with disabilities are expensive and complex.” Actually, nearly half of accommodations for disabled cost nothing. And one-time costs amount to about $300. A low-cost, high-impact strategy for expanding the available workforce to address labor shortages.
Happy Holidays from all of us at VR Nevada!