Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness Plexus is more about dropping inches and getting healthy from the inside out and not about a number on the scale.

Miralax 101 Did you know: It is NOT approved for use for over 7 days. But almost 30% of Americans suffer with Constipati...

Miralax 101

Did you know:
It is NOT approved for use for over 7 days. But almost 30% of Americans suffer with Constipation. Not p**ping is NOT ok people!

Common side effects of Miralax: 👇🏻
Panic Attacks
Speech Issues
Kidney issues
Autism-like behaviors
Night terrors 😳
Learning delays
Mouth sores
Lack of growth
Hallucinations (especially your dementia patients!)
Homicidal & suicidal ideation

If your doctor prescribes this for your child or your family members, please know there are better options! 🙌🏻 Put me to the test! I can have you 💩💩💩guaranteed regularly within a couple days! Completely clean natural ingredients and let me tell you… Once you start going regularly and things keep moving your energy and everything else will improve. Message me and let’s talk p**p lol **ps


Asking you to join me in prayer. My love to everyone who reads this. Let's pray for each other today because prayers are needed right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand.

I ask my family and friends, wherever you might be, to kindly post this status for one hour to whisper a prayer for all of those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, or worries of any kind and need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune.

I hope to see this on the walls of my family and friends. I did it for someone else, and you can, too! I copied and posted to my wall. Done!

Take a breath… be kind.♥️

Let’s pray for everyone… the sick, the needy, and all.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Deal sooooo good, we broke FB/IG 🧊 🫖

Deal sooooo good, we broke FB/IG 🧊 🫖

YOU MIGHT BE READY FOR PLEXUS IF....● You wake up tired every morning because you tossed and turned all night.● You need...


● You wake up tired every morning because you tossed and turned all night.

● You need a nap at 2 pm everyday. And if you can't nap at 2 pm, all you do is think about when you will be able to take a nap.

● You crave sugar and junk food, and can't seem to kick that soda addiction (even though you have read 398,783 articles telling you how bad it is for you).

● You struggle with keeping those readings at your yearly Doctor appointments at healthy levels....

● Your doctor is warning you about balancing your sugar numbers. Plexus Slim is all about balancing those out!

Any of these hitting home? Reach out. I’m here to help ❤️

Our body has thousands of different things going on all at once, while it works harmoniously as one. It needs constant c...

Our body has thousands of different things going on all at once, while it works harmoniously as one. It needs constant communication with each and every part to do the job it was made to do. When your body stops listening to itself, piece by piece it will start to break down. What can keep our bodies from this extremely important communication? Insulin resistance.

This is fascinating—"STEVIA kills 71% of Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro: Stevioside, the intensely sweet compound found in...

This is fascinating—

"STEVIA kills 71% of Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro: Stevioside, the intensely sweet compound found in the herb stevia, has been found to kill up to 71% of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) after 72 hours of treatment.

Researchers also discovered that this stevia compound acts as an antioxidant for healthy cells and helps protect them from damage. But it does just the opposite to the breast cancer cells and floods them with toxic free radicals. This halts DNA replication and disrupts the cancer cells' mitochondria, quickly causing the cancer cells to die. This study marks the first discovery of stevia being active against breast cancer (only activity against skin cancer has been shown in the past). Stevioside and its related compounds (steviol, isosteviol and rebaudioside A) have also shown significant anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and BLOOD SUGAR-STABILIZING effects."

To recap, stevia will not affect blood sugar levels.....better yet, it will actually stabilize them!! It's nice to know that the herb stevia---nature's answer to sweetness---is safe, healthy and may actually protect us from cancer and other diseases. Stevia is therefore a great replacement for sugar in our every day lives.....and no, since it's not an actual sugar, it does not feed fungus/candida. Though we mostly just use stevia as a sugar replacement, it does a lot more!! In addition to the cancer article excerpt above, here are some other things people have used it for:

~to lower blood pressure
~to lower blood sugar levels
~it's an anti-bacterial/anti-microbial
~has anti-oxidants
~helps with chronic fatigue and improves energy levels
~helps for different digestive issues such as heartburn, indigestion, and
upset stomach
~strengthens immune system
~helps for dandruff and hair loss
~helps for withdrawal from to***co and alcohol addictions


Perspective 👀

Perspective 👀

Be a bottle of water. Don’t be like a bottle of soda. The bottle is you. What's inside is your emotions and your reactio...

Be a bottle of water. Don’t be like a bottle of soda.

The bottle is you. What's inside is your emotions and your reactions. People who hate you and envy you are going to try and rattle you and shake you from time to time. If you shake a bottle of soda, once you open it, it explodes. But if you shake a bottle of water and open it, it's still the same calm water it was before it got shook up. Don't let anyone disrupt your peace ✌🏻


The average person has 2K photos on their phone. I have 36k 😬 How many do you have?

Who’s that princess?!?What if I told you that your body stores toxins and bacteria that build up over time as a result o...

Who’s that princess?!?

What if I told you that your body stores toxins and bacteria that build up over time as a result of:
👉🏻prescription medications
👉🏻antibiotic use
👉🏻over the counter meds
👉🏻bad food/drink choices

These bacteria and toxins FEED off of sugars and carbs and make you feel tired and sluggish. So even if you do lose weight with some extreme measures by restricting your calories 👎🏻, more than likely you'll gain it back again because you're still craving starchy and sugar-laden foods just like before!!

Why?!? It's a GUT issue!!! It's an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria that is literally demanding that you continue to feed it!!

What if I told you focusing on your GUT health and fixing the issue, instead of temporarily covering it up, can help heal you?

Dress it up however you want……..
It’s still a 🌭

🟢 with a dash of 🟡

🟢 with a dash of 🟡

.Read it. Then read it again.Sounds ridiculous right?!Hear my heart in this. It SOUNDS ridiculous. But y'all. SO MANY OF...

Read it. Then read it again.
Sounds ridiculous right?!

Hear my heart in this. It SOUNDS ridiculous. But y'all. SO MANY OF US DO IT.

This isn't just about six pack abs or fitting into that pair of jeans. This is about your life.

What are we willing to settle for? If you keep thinking about starting something or have a dream in your heart, it's there for a reason and probably something worth working for.

It's not the gym that doesn't work. It's not the podcast that didn't say enough. It's not the self help book that wasn't helpful enough.

What doesn't work? YOU. quote makes me laugh, but as we learn more and more about gut health.... it’s totally true! See (below) the 7 signs of an unhealthy gut.... can you relate? I know when my gut health is out of balance I experience almost all of these!

1. Upset stomach
Stomach disturbances like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn can all be signs of an unhealthy gut. A balanced gut will have less difficulty processing food and eliminating waste.

2. A high-sugar diet
A diet high in processed foods and added sugars can decrease the amount of good bacteria in your gut. This imbalance can cause increased sugar cravings, which can damage your gut still further. High amounts of refined sugars, particularly high-fructose corn syrup, have been linked to increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation can be the precursor to a number of diseases and even cancers.

3. Unintentional weight changes
Gaining or losing weight without making changes to your diet or exercise habits may be a sign of an unhealthy gut. An imbalanced gut can impair your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and store fat. Weight loss may be caused by small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), while weight gain may be caused by insulin resistance or the urge to overeat due to decreased nutrient absorption.

4. Sleep disturbances or constant fatigue
An unhealthy gut may contribute to sleep disturbances such as insomnia or poor sleep, and therefore lead to chronic fatigue. The majority of the body’s serotonin, a hormone that affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut. So gut damage can impair your ability to sleep well. Some sleep disturbances have also been linked to risk for fibromyalgia.

5. Skin irritation
Skin conditions like eczema may be related to a damaged gut. Inflammation in the gut caused by a poor diet or food allergies may cause increased “leaking” of certain proteins out into the body, which can in turn irritate the skin and cause conditions such as eczema.

6. Autoimmune conditions
Medical researchers are continually finding new evidence of the impact of the gut on the immune systemTrusted Source. It’s thought that an unhealthy gut may increase systemic inflammation and alter the proper functioning of the immune system. This can lead to autoimmune diseases, where the body attacks itself rather than harmful invaders.

7. Food intolerances
Food intolerances are the result of difficulty digesting certain foods (this is different than a food allergy, which is caused by an immune system reaction to certain foods). It’s thought that food intolerances may be caused by poor quality of bacteria in the gut. This can lead to difficulty digesting the trigger foods and unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. There is some evidence that food allergies may also be related to gut health.truth

Maybe it's:
Because you give up when you don't see an immediate result. Because you feel like you aren't worth it. Because you want a quick fix. Because you're afraid to reach out. Because you're afraid to fail. and y'all, it could even be because you're afraid to succeed.

Stop giving up on yourself and your dreams. If it's worth your thoughts, it's worth fighting for it to become a reality.

Start keeping the promises you make to yourself.

Our world is full of quick fixes and immediate gratification, and accepting things we don't like simply because we don't want to get uncomfortable.

Get uncomfortable. Do the work. Have the conversation. Show up. It's not easy. But man it's worth it. AND SO ARE YOU.

A bottle of water in the supermarket is worth about $0.50. The same bottle in a bar costs $2. In a good restaurant or ho...

A bottle of water in the supermarket is worth about $0.50. The same bottle in a bar costs $2. In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to $3.

At an airport or on the plane, you may be charged $5. The bottle and the brand is the same, the only thing that changes is the place. Each place gives a different value to the same product.

When you feel like you are worth nothing and everyone around you belittles you, change places, do not stay there. Have the courage to change places and go to a place where you are given the value you deserve.

Surround yourself with people who really appreciate your worth. Don't settle for less!

4-1-3-5-2-4How do you draw a star?


How do you draw a star?

😡😡😡😡WTH???!!!! I was at the mall using the bathroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said...

I was at the mall using the bathroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?” Embarrassed... I said, “I’m alright!!" The voice said, "So what are you up to?” I said, “Ummm... Just trying to handle a little private business over here!” Then I hear, “Can I come over?” Annoyed... I said “Excuse me?!?!." Then the voice said, “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!" 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Akkermansia…Akkermansihuh???Do you know we have bacteria in us that is called Akkermansia?  The job of Akkermansia is to...


Do you know we have bacteria in us that is called Akkermansia? The job of Akkermansia is to help regulate the gut lining. It is known as the gatekeeper of our gut. Thus, it helps with:

-how our body metabolizes food
-Our immune response
-Our inflammation response
-Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea

Just think of the Akkermansia as the fortification of our gut wall. When our gut wall breaks down, it precipitates inflammation, neuro-inflammation, etc. It helps prevent toxins from entering our blood stream. Akkermansia also helps provide nutrients to the other gut bacteria we have.

Akkermansia likes to eat mucus. It actually lives in the mucus that is on the lining of our gut. We want more mucus on the outside of our gut to produce a thicker lining and Akkermansia helps produce more mucus.

When we have good Akkermansia, we have a better GI, better food cravings, our metabolism is better all with a strong gut lining. It is also associated with a healthier host organism. It helps reduce cholesterol levels, decreases body weight, reduces insulin resistance, reduces inflammatory levels in blood and decreases plasma LPS levels (to improve gut barrier function).

Research shows that when we have an abundance of Akkermansia in the gut, a person is healthier than a diabetic or obese person!

There are no foods that produce Akkermansia but you can eat foods rich in polyphenols to try to encourage its growth.


Grocery challenge: You're only allowed to buy 1 item with every letter of your last name. Whatcha buying? Play along....use your brain.

Did you know the power of  ?! So cool!"STEVIA kills 71% of Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro: Stevioside, the intensely sweet...

Did you know the power of ?! So cool!

"STEVIA kills 71% of Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro: Stevioside, the intensely sweet compound found in the herb stevia, has been found to kill up to 71% of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) after 72 hours of treatment. Researchers also discovered that this stevia compound acts as an antioxidant for healthy cells and helps protect them from damage. But it does just the opposite to the breast cancer cells and floods them with toxic free radicals. This halts DNA replication and disrupts the cancer cells' mitochondria, quickly causing the cancer cells to die. This study marks the first discovery of stevia being active against breast cancer (only activity against skin cancer has been shown in the past). Stevioside and its related compounds (steviol, isosteviol and rebaudioside A) have also shown significant anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and BLOOD SUGAR-STABILIZING effects."

To recap, stevia will not affect blood sugar levels.....better yet, it will actually stabilize them!! It's nice to know that the herb stevia---nature's answer to sweetness---is safe, healthy and may actually protect us from cancer and other diseases. Stevia is therefore a great replacement for sugar in our every day lives.....and no, since it's not an actual sugar, it does not feed /

Though we mostly just use stevia as a sugar replacement, it does a lot more!! In addition to the cancer article excerpt above, here are some other things people have used it for:
~to lower blood pressure
~to lower blood sugar levels
~it's an anti-bacterial/anti-microbial
~has anti-oxidants
~helps with chronic fatigue and improves energy levels
~helps for different digestive issues such as heartburn, indigestion, and upset stomach
~strengthens immune system
~helps for dandruff and hair loss
~helps for withdrawal from to***co and alcohol addictions

Funny to think, that all this time we've been just using it as a sugar substitute and nothing more!! lol 🙂

"Lo Han Guo" is an exotic fruit and is used as a sweetener just like stevia; it too has zero calories, zero glycemic impact, and likewise will NOT feed fungus/candida. Lo han guo extract has been used for the following:
~increases vitality and longevity
~has antioxidants
~relieves constipation
~it's a remedy for pneumonia and the common cold
~relieves congestion
~alleviates headaches
~prevents heatstroke/cools the body in hot temps
~and more....

It is a little harder to find then stevia, but these are both great, natural sweeteners.....guess what is sweetened with stevia and lo han guo?!? None other then our very own Plexus Slim!!! Also our whey protein shake is sweetened with stevia!! 🙂

Some plants are flat out amazing.....reminds me of Genesis, where God tells us that He created them for us! Very deliberate planning on His part!! :)

💪🏼 Fit Tip Tuesday 💪🏼💦HYDRATION!💦Are you drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water every single day?...

💪🏼 Fit Tip Tuesday 💪🏼


Are you drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water every single day?

If you weigh 100 lbs, you need to drink at least 50 oz of water a day. If you drink soda or coffee, your body requires more water that day!!

Water is SO SO SO huge for your health - with or without Plexus.

👉But let me tell you something - water intake is HUGE for results with Plexus too!! Because Plexus is a detoxifying system, the body needs adequate water to flush the toxins that have been trapped in your fat cells or gut for years!

Did you know? ... Glucose cannot leave the body without a water molecule attached via urination.💦Thirst is your body's cue for help in removing excess glucose. Drinking water and going to the bathroom are PLAN A to get glucose out of your system.

Plan B? Fat storage. Yep.😳

So basically, if you don't want to be inconvenienced by frequent bathroom visits you are choosing fat storage. Drink your water!

Also water intake is 💥imperative💥when you are taking balancing and cleansing supplements like Plexus!

And "hunger" is often more of a queue that you are really thirsty!

If water is hard for you to drink or maybe its to boring?

Try some "spa water" variations to spice it up!🎊

Just slice up and add any of these combinations below to your glass of water for some added flavor!

- Lemon, Cucumber & Ginger

- Strawberry Mint

- Lemon & Blueberry

- Orange Rosemary

- Raspberry Kiwi

- Cucumber Mint

Share your favorite water bottle below 🥤with how much water you are drinking daily!!

Have a hard time going 💩?Do you 💩 too often?Do you not 💩 enough?  can helpDon’t let the name scare you! Rest assured, th...

Have a hard time going 💩?
Do you 💩 too often?
Do you not 💩 enough?

can help

Don’t let the name scare you! Rest assured, this will not leave you needing to stay close to a bathroom. It is a gentle, daily cleanse, which is important to rid our body of the toxins we encounter daily. What if you drank through the same straw day after day and never cleaned it? Imagine all that build up that would happen on the inside?! That is what is happening in our intestines! We should be expelling as often as we eat. If three cars go in the car wash, three cars should come out, if you know what I mean!

Did you know that over 300 of our bodies processes need magnesium to effectively work?? And it is estimated that over 75% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium?

Every time you eat sugar you use magnesium to break it down! So that tea or soda you drank, or dessert you had, can deplete your body of the magnesium your body needs to function for the day, if you aren’t doing anything to give your body the amount it needs. We only get magnesium through food and supplements, and sadly, our food sources are depleted!

If that doesn’t happen, those toxins are building up! This product helps relieve bloating, gas, and discomfort, restores magnesium to our body and oxygen to our cells, and helps detoxify our body from the toxins we encounter every single day!

So tell me, have you 💩 today?

Oops. 🙈. Not So Good.....Does anyone use Vital Proteins collagen? 🙋🏼‍♀️It was one of the most popular brands of collagen...

Oops. 🙈. Not So Good.....

Does anyone use Vital Proteins collagen? 🙋🏼‍♀️

It was one of the most popular brands of collagen but it was RECALLED for having plastics in their product. Yuk 🤮

If you used that brand & are now looking for a new one — I ‘ve got you!! I found one that's better and helps your gut health too.

Hair, nails and skin have never been so amazing. People say often how my skin glows and how healthy my hair is! I’ll take it😆🙌🏽💯! Love what it's doing for me personally!!

💧 is life!!!

💧 is life!!!


Las Vegas, NV


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Believe in Yourself

So many people I talk to are held back by the lack of funds in their lives. Everybody wants to catch a break but there is always another bill to pay. So, the idea of buying something for yourself is usually met with the harsh internal criticism of "Do I really need this?"

What if you could be buying something that will not only help you become healthier but will also make you happier and provide you with a real income?

I think I already know the answer....

You don’t believe in yourself. Society has told you to be skeptical of such an offer. Like it’s just a fantasy that doesn’t exist. This is so far from the truth!

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