The cable face away bicep curl is a great bicep curl option
They are also friendly if you have cranky elbows
You will need a double cable machine to do them
Take a few steps away from the machine
Slight forwards lean
Staggered stance for better balance
Get shoulders back
With your shoulders down and back, curl up
Full extension at the bottom
Full curl
Keep elbows by your side
Breathe and keep your core braced to maintain stability as you curl
Find a weight that is challenging but allows you to go through the exercise with great form
If DB curls don’t feel great, give this one a try
Do about 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Talk soon!
#bicepcurls #upperbodyday #upperbodyexercises #armday #howtobuildmuscle #biceps #bicepexercises #howtogetstrong #fitnesstips #fitnesshelp #fitnessplan #liftingweights #upperbodyworkout #upperbodyworkouts #workouttips #exercisetips #armworkouts #bigbiceps #gains #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingtips
Going over the three most common reverse lunge mistakes
That I want you to avoid
Watch and save this video to help you fix these 3 things
And share with friends so they can do the same 🙂
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I know there is a lot of information out there when it comes to your workouts
You might think you need to be in a "fat burning zone"
Or that you only have a good workout if you are
Having your highest heart rate ever and can barely breathe
Checking your watch and making sure you're burning as many calories as possible
Or, sweating more than ever
I want to tell you this though
None of these things are needed for with having an effective workout
Having a higher heart rate doesn't mean you're burning more body fat
Sweating doesn't mean you're losing more body fat
The "calorie burn" you see on your watch is inaccurate
Plus your nutrition takes care of fat loss, not your workouts
So with that being said, your workouts should be centered on improving your performance
Lifting more weight. Doing more reps. having better form. Doing more pull ups
Stop putting your focus on things that don't really matter
Don't chase the feeling, chase the result of chaning your body, getting stronger, and feeling like a beast.
Progressive overload is the way to go.
Talk soon!
#womensworkouts #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingtips #strengthtrainingforwomen #workouttips #fitnesstips #progressiveoverload #gymtips #workoutroutine #fitnessroutine #getstrong #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #fitnessjourney #tonedbody #workoutadvice #fatburningzone #fatburningworkouts #fatburningworkout #calorieburningworkout
If you’re working to get stronger on chin ups
Add this variation to your training
It is the eccentric only chin up
You will build a lot of strength
Eccentric means you are only focusing on the lowering part
You want to lower slowly and with control
It’s harder than it sounds
You want to use as little energy as possible to get above the bar
Do a bench, or a box is a good idea
In this video my bench wasn’t high enough so I found something else to help me climb up
Depending on what is available to you, you might have to get creative too
While controlling the descent, focus on having good chip up form
Keep tension in your body to keep your body tight and still
That makes it way easier to control the movement
Put this variation in your chin up rotation
I’ll be bringing you 3 others to add too in the coming days!
Talk to you soon! 💪💪
#chinups #pullups #upperbodyday #pullupsallday #upperbody #upperbodystrength #shoulders #bouldershoulders #bodyweightexercises #bodyweight #bodyweighttraining #strongbody #getstrong #workouttips #workouts #fitnesstips #fitnessroutine #workoutmotivation #gymtips #fitnessmotivation #funworkouts
Do your knees hurt while doing squats?
Tyr to fix that by doing these three things
First, don’t drive your knees forward first
When you break at your knees first, it puts a lot more pressure on them
Instead, start with a slight break in your hips like your hips are being karate chopped back
This will put more pressure on your glutes and hips and less on our knees
Second, don’t let your knees cave in on the way up or the way down
Keep your knees in line with your second or third toe
Then at the button, think about pushing the ground away from you and using your glutes to come back up
Annnnnd finally… Simply perform a box squat
This will take pressure off your knees at the bottom
I hope these helped
Talk to you soon!
#squats #squatform #formtips #legday #lowerbodyworkout #lowerbodyexercises #legdayworkout #legdayworkouts #workoutforbeginners #beginnerworkouts #workouttips #exerciestips #fitnesstips #workouthelp #fitnessmotivation #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingtips #beginnerexercises
Some of the most common seated shoulder press mistakes
First, don’t have the bench completely upright
You want a slight incline
This will allow you to get more of a stretch in your shoulders at the bottom and can take stress off of your shoulders
Second, don’t have your elbows out wide at 90 degrees
Tuck them in to 45 degrees
And finally, you’re not trying to press up and in front of you
Press up and above your head
I hope these helped! Share with friends so they can see too! 💪💪
#shoulderworkout #shoulderpress #shoulderexercises #shoulderexercise #shoulderworkouts #strongshoulders #upperbodyworkout #shoulderdstrength #workoutroutine #workouttips #gymtips #gymmotivation #workoutmotivation #exercisetips #fitnesstips #fitnessroutine #getstrong #liftingweights #strengthtrainingtips #strengthtraining
There are progressions and regressions to any exercise
No matter your experience level, choose the one that is right for you
Focus on form, and over time, the more challenging variations will become more doable
Instead of a 2 dumbbell reverse lunge ➡️ supported lunge
Instead of a floor push up ➡️ elevate your torso
Instead of standard chin ups ➡️ start with a rack chin
Instead of starting with a barbell squat ➡️ master the goblet squat
There is always a way to improve and get stronger, no matter where you currently are 💪💪
You've got this!
#exercisetips #exercisevideos #workouttips #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #fitnessroutine #fitnesstips #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #gymmotivation #gymtips #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingforwomen #strengthtrainingtips #womensweightloss #womensworkouts #womenwholift #fatlosstips #fatburningworkout #calorieburningworkout
This might seem like a very simple exercise
But it is easy to get the form incorrect on it
Don't let that be you!
First, you need to make sure your shoulders are down and back
And not rounded forward
This will ensure you can full work all 3 parts of your tricep
Next, make sure you get the full range of motion by fully extending at the bottom
Those first two tips are massive
But this next one is the biggest:
Make sure that on the way up, you're not letting your elbows travel forward
This defeats the whole purpose of lenghtening the triceps
Keep those elbows back and locked in place on the way up
Hope this helps
#triceps #tricepworkout #tricepexercises #tricepworkouts #upperbodyworkouts #upperbodyworkout #upperbodyexercises #armday #tricepextenstions #workouttips #workouttip #fitnesstips #fitnesstip #strengthtraining #beginnerworkouts #workoutroutine #workoutmotivation #exercisemotivation #fitnessmotivation #gymtips #gymworkouts #exercisetips
#countyourcalories #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #fatlosshelp #howtoloseweight #losingfat #fatlossadvice #flexibledieting #dietinghelp #dietingfood #nutritiontips #nutritionhelp #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #sustainableweightloss #caloriedeficitdietplan #weightlosssuccess #weighinday #1200caloriediet #caloricdeficituk #diethelp #caloriecountingdiet #fatlosstips #losefat #balanceddiet #healthyhabits #flexibledieting #flexiblediet
Here are 6 tips to help improve your sumo deadlift.
1. Keep your shoulders down and back, away from your ears.
2. Squeeze your armpits shut in the back
These will help engage your lats
3. Keep your arms long and take the slack out of the bar
4. Think about breaking the bar in half with your arms -
5. You're not pulling the bar up, you're pushing the ground away from you
6. Imagine there is a crack in the ground between your feet and you're trying to make that crack wider
Rip the ground apart with your feet
And a 7th one for bonus -
7. Work hard and don't quit! 💪💪
#sumodeadlift #deadlifts #strengthtraining #lowerbodyworkout #legday #legdayexercises #legdayworkouts #lowerbodyworkouts #legday #sumodl #liftingweights #womenwholift #strengthtrainingforwomen #strongwomen #gethealthy #getfit #getstrong #strengthtrainingtips #beginnerworkouts #fitnesstips #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #workouttips
Exercise is a vital part of your weight loss journey
But should be used properly.
It is not to burn calories, or to:
Burn off food
Punish yourself for overeating
Earn more food
Exercise is meant to add to your life and build your body up
Not to make your life harder
The purpose of exercise isn't to lose weight or to create your calories deficit
Nutrition is the driver of weight loss
The purpose of exercise goes beyond that
It is a tool to:
Prevent injury
Build strength for daily life
Decrease pain
Prevent disease
Improve your movement
All of which will add up to a better and longer life!
Stop looking at exercise as something you have to do to lose weight
Because you're missing it's true worth and value
Hope this helps - lift heavy!
#workouttips #exercisetips #weightloss #weightlossexercises #fatburningworkout #losefat #loseweight #weightlossworkout #weightlossworkouts #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingtips #strengthtrainingforwomen #womensweightloss #womensworkouts #beginnerworkouts #fatburningworkouts #fatburningexercises #burnfat #fatburners #fatburner #howtoloseweight #howtoburncalories #fatlossworkout #fatlossworkouts
This is one of my favorite variations of rows and back exercises
Having the support from the bench gives you more stability and makes it so you don’t have to necessarily support your bodyweight
Which allows you to lift more weight and decreases the risk of injury
Since it’s such a great exercise, let’s make sure we’re doing it right
Rist, stop thinking you are pulling the weight UP
You aren’t pulling the weight up, you are pulling the weight back
Second, stop lifting your chest off the bench a ton
This can cause some lower back pain, and makes for a less effective exercise
You want to think about almost pushing your chest into the pad as you pull your hands back
And finally
Stop letting your shoulders round forward
You want to keep your shoulders shoved in your back pocket, and pulled down and back away from your ears
Give it a try and I hope this helped
#backworkout #backworkouts #backday #backdayworkouts #backdayworkout #bentoverrow #dumbellworkout #dumbbellworkouts #workoutsforbeginners #beginnerworkouts #backexercises #athomeworkouts #exercisetips #fitnesstips #beginnerexercises #strengthtrainingtips #workoutvideos #workoutideas #exercisevideos #upperbodyworkout #upperbodyworkouts #upperbodyexercises #upperbodyexercise #backgains
Fast weight loss isn’t better weight loss
And losing at a slower rate often leads to better results long term
Because when you lose weight more slowly, you’re likely to lose only body fat and not muscle
When you preserve muscle as you are losing fat, your metabolism will not decrease as much
And you’ll end up looking more toned and defined when you do reach your weight loss goals.
So don’t rush weight loss, do what is better for you in the big picture
You got this!
#losingweightjourney #weightlossdiet #weightlossdiets #reversediet #caloriecounting #caloriecountingjourney #healthyweightlossjourney #loseweightkeepitoff #sustainableweightloss #howtoloseweight #howtoreversediet #losingweight #fatloss #fatlossdiets #fatlossplan #weightlossplan #helpwithweightloss #weightlossstruggles #weightlosstips #fatlosstips #fatlossadvice
Keep these 5 things in mind when it comes to losing weight
1. You can't mess up your progress in one day
All that matters is that you get back on track and keep going
The less you left an "off" day or weekend impact you, the easier it is to keep going
2. There is no one food that will make you gain fat
There is no "bad" food and nothing you have to cut out completely
It's overall calories that matter and creating a diet that works for you and your goals
3. Your weight loss journey will likely take longer than you want it to
And that is okay, the more you can learn along the way the better
Learning will make maintaining your results long term much easier
4. Walking is super important and very underrated
Make hitting your daily step goal a priority and do it consistently
A good step goal is somewhere between 5 and 10,000 per day, whatever is reasonable for you
5. The only way your fail is if you quit
So never do that
Keep going
#weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #womensweightloss #weightlosshelp #tryingtoloseweight #caloriecountingdiet #caloriedeficit #caloriedeficitdiet #fastweightloss #loseweightquick #quickweightloss #howtoloseweight #weightlossstories #myweightlossjourney #fatlossjourney #fatlossadvice #fatlosshacks #fatlossgoals #weightlossgoals #weightlossadvice #weightlosstips
Top 10 protein sources
Watch this video to find out my top 10 sources of protein
But please know there are many others to choose from
These are just my favorites, and excellent sources of it
And having these things in your house
Will make it a lot easier to meet your daily protein target
So set your environment up for success
And don’t leave things up to chance
If you don’t eat meat, some great options are:
Tempeh, tofu, seitan, plant-based protein shakes, lentils, chick peas, edamame, just to name a few.
I hope these ideas help!
#protein #proteinshakes #hightproteindiet #hightprotein #highproteinmeals #eatmoreprotein #highproteinsnacks #healthyeating #healthydieting #healthydiet #healthysnacks #healthyweightloss #healthymealideas #healthyeatingtips #healthyliving #caloriecounting #caloriecountingdiet #caloriedeficit #caloriecountingjourney #caloriedeficitdiet
Cable crunches are a great core workout that emphasizes spinal flexion.
Watch this video and make sure you're doing them right!
FYI if you don't have access to a cable machine, it can be done with bands as well.
Let's go!!! 💪💪❤️
#abworkouts #abexercises #abworkout #abexercise #abday #coreworkouts #coreworkout #coreexercises #corestrength #coreexercise #sixpackabs #6packabs #strongfitwomen #beginnerworkouts #exercisetips #fatburningworkout #losebellyfat #losebellyfatfast #strengthtrainingtips #strengthtrainingforwomen #strengthtraining #fatlossworkouts #losefat #loseweight #weightloss #fatlosstips #howtoloseweight
The third tip is extremely important here
Do your knees bother you on bulgarian split squats?
First, make sure you are keeping a lean forward in your torso and sitting back in your hips
This will allow less forward knee travel, which puts less pressure on your knee
Second, make sure your knee doesn’t cave inward on the way down
Make sure it stays out over your 2nd toe
And third
Make sure your weight isn’t in your toes as you go down
You want your toes to be gripping the ground
But your weight to be in your heel and mid foot
It should be distributed “evenly” over your feet
With your mid foot and heel taking the brunt of it
Not putting weight on your toes
SAVE this video and I hope it helps
#bulgariansplitsquats #splitsquats #gluteworkout #glutesworkout #gluteworkouts #gluteday #glutes #growyourglutes #legdayworkout #glutesworkout #legday #lowerbodyworkout #legworkouts #legworkout #legdayworkouts #bootygainz #bootyworkout #bootygains
Here are 3 common mistakes on dumbbell lat bias rows
Rounding your back. In order to make sure you don’t have a rounded back and that your spine is neutral, video yourself doing them
Pulling straight up to the shoulder. When the goal is to target your lats, this won’t do that. For your lats, you want your arm to move down and back and to bring the dumbbell to your hip. While keeping your arm close to your torso
Foot too far forward. This can cause you to round your lower back and pull straight up to your shoulder. Step your foot back and create room to have a neutral spine and bring the dumbbell to your hip.
SAVE this video and try it out
#backworkout #dumbbellexercises #dumbbellworkout #dumbbellonlyexercises #dumbbellworkouts #backexercises #backmuscles #backgains #latworkout #latsworkout #latworkouts #latsworkouts #backexercise #getstrong #getfit #gethealthy #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingtips #weightlifting #beginnerworkouts #workouttips #exercisetips #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #getstrong
5 nutrition tips
Here are 5 nutrition practices you can put in place to help you control your calorie intake
1- Build each meal around a protein source and a vegetable. This will make your meal more filling for fewer calories
2- Follow the “one plate rule”. All your meals fit on one plate. IF you do go back for seconds, stick to the veggies and the protein for that plate.
3- Learn how to cook a few staple things. If you make your own food, you have much more control over what goes into it than if someone else makes it.
And being able to cook is a good life skill to have.
4- Have consistency with the times of day you eat
5- When it comes to sweets and indulgences. If it isn’t an enthusiastic, “hell yea I want that”, go ahead and pass it up. It’s okay to have those foods on occasion, but be choosy when you do.
I hope these 5 tips helped
#nutritiontips #nutritionhelp #weightlosstips #weightlossplan #weightloss #weightlossplans #weightlossjourney #dieting #dietingtips #dietinghelp #diettips #diettip #losingweight #losingweightjourney #howtoloseweight #fatloss #fatlosstips #fatlosshelp #fatlossjourney #losefat #losingfat #howtolosefat #loseweightforgood #loseweightkeepitoff #healthyweightloss #healthyweightlossjourney #sustainabaleweightloss #gethealthy #getfit
Try this bicep curl superset
Spider curls and Incline curls
Spider curls will train your biceps in the shortened position
Do 12-15 reps of those, the flip over on the bench into an incline curl
The incline curl lengthens the bicep
Do 10-15 of those, that should get you close to failure and your biceps on fire
This is an easy one to set up and to move through
But also super challenging and effective
Let’s do this!
#bicepexercises #biceps #bicepsworkout #dumbbellworkouts #dumbbellonlyexercises #dumbbellexercises #bicepworkout #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #exercisetips #upperbodyworkout #upperbodyworkouts #armworkout #armworkouts #flex #bicepflex #beginneroworkouts #workoutroutine #exercisevideos #workoutplan #strengthtraining #weightlifting #liftingweights #gymmotivation #getstrong #getfit #gethealthy