Happy new moon in Leo ♌️ everyone. Own your courage, your light, your heart, and authenticity, and shine it like no other 🌞🌠🦁
New Moon in Leo- BOLD, Beautiful + Strong, The Inner Light That Shines, Lion's Gate Magic
On August 4th, we have the bright and bold New Moon at 12 degrees of Leo. New moons herald a time of wiping the slate clean and beginning anew. They represent starts, projects beginning to take off and starting again. Leo, the 5th zodiac sign, deals with creativity, childlike wonder, leadership, love and joy.
The New Moon in Leo is here to have you reconnect with your heart center and leadership abilities. This New Moon in the sign of the lion is happening during the time known as the "Lion's Gate". The Lions Gate is a magical portal of energy that opens up at the beginning of August until its peak on August 8th. The New Moon's energy combined with the Lion's Gate will add an extra sense of spiritual mastery, power and fortitude to this time.
This is a great New Moon to begin projects and plans that have to do with fully expressing your unique talents + creativity. Leo is one of the warmest and most expressive signs of the zodiac. Being bold and standing out is favored. The higher vibration of this New Moon in Leo will be the courage to go where you haven't gone before and to express yourself in audacious and leadership driven ways. The lower vibration of this New Moon in Leo will be the tendency to be egocentric and overly dramatic. The balance between the two will be our ability to be bold while also still retaining a level of humility and empathy.
The New Moon in Leo will be making a beautiful and supportive sextile ( 60 degree aspect) to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, wisdom and expansion who is currently in the sign of Gemini. The New Moon in Leo in a loving aspect to Jupiter in Gemini will add a lot of wisdom and enthusiasm to our new pursuits. This is a lucky combo of being at the right place at the right time. Expansion around our artistic projects will be enhanced. Many folks will feel a sense of positivity and light activation with this pairing.
For those folks born with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 14 degrees of Leo or the other fixed signs of: Ta**us, Scorpio or Aquarius expect to see the most impact of this lunation. All the key areas of your life around your physical body, family/home, relationships and career will be getting a big BOOST of energy and vitality. You will be able to be brave and stand up for what you truly want and deserve. For everyone else, check where 14 degrees of Leo falls in your natal birth chart to see where these bright and bold new beginnings will be happening for you. I will be doing a special extended sign horoscope for each sign on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma. In these extended sign horoscopes, I provide tips and guidance on how to make the most of this new moon.
The New Moon in Leo is here to bring forth magnetism and strength into your life. It is time to STAND up for what you desire and deserve. Leo as a sign has superpower around the ability to stick up for oneself with a sense of regality and strength. No more playing on the sidelines of life. This New Moon in Leo wants you to get out of your comfort zone and be SEEN, HEARD + RECOGNIZED. It is time to make bold moves that align you with your heart + destiny. The New Moon in Leo is here to bring forth warm vibes of self confidence + worth, joyous occasions to honor your inner child and the opportunity to recognize your strength and inner power.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this warm and joyous New Moon in Leo, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this new moon. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2024
Image: Spooky Girl