Jawline enhancement/contouring using dermal fillers is no downtime 15 minutes procedure done under local anesthesia #jawlinecontouring #jawlinefiller #jawlinedefinition #jawline #jawlineenhancement #jawlinesculpting
Watch our commercial May 15th on Hulu, Bravo, E!,ABC, NBC and 2
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Laser spider vein removal is a gold standard for improving cosmetic spider veins. Usually takes one- two visits. It takes several weeks to see full results. Dr Yagudin has been performing this treatment for 18 years. Please schedule your free initial consultation by calling us at 2124218858
#laserveintreatment #laserveintherapy #spiderveinsremoval #spiderveins #spiderveintreatment
Skiing in VAL D’ISERE France. There is something that can’t be conveyed in words or video. You just have to be there. #skiingvaldisere
Juvederm Lip Augmentation #lipaugumentation #lipenhancements #juvdermlips
Mole removal on woman’s chest using Radio frequency device to minimize scarring. ( the video was recorded 2 years ago and I just realized that it was never published on my instagram) #moleremoval #moleskin #howtoremovemoles #radiofrequencymoleremoval #scarlessmoleremoval
Just two syringes of RHA 4 made all the difference in Olena's #SmileLines and #LaughLines. What could RHA 4 do for you? Expertly designed to add natural-looking volume to dynamic wrinkles and folds, HA® 4 is made for results that look beautiful at rest and flawless in motion. Interested in learning more? Give us a call to schedule your
#RHACollection appointment today!
#DesignerFiller #HAFiller #RHA4More
Fraxel Dual is a gold standard in skin rejuvenation and sun damage reversal. Call us now to schedule your consultation and treatment 212 4218858
Hurry up to buy this promotion from Allergan
#zermattswitzerland Awesome feeling to stop on the ski slope and just watch the surroundings.
My Promo video #18
Happy Holidays everyone!
My Promo video #20
Happy Monday everyone!
#Boost yourself
My Promo video #13
Get ready for your perfect New Year kiss!
Forehead reshaping using dermal fillers. Blunt tip micro cannula under laser guidance is used to produce safe, instant, natural results #foreheadreshaping #hallowforehead #concaveforehead #reshapeforehead #foreheadwrinkles #forehead-filler
Hyper diluted Radiesse is bio stimulating filler used for treatment of wrinkles over cleavage area of the chest. I am using blunt tip microcannula and laser guidance to minimize chances of bruising. #cleavagewrinkles #cleavagerejuvenation #cleavage #hyperdilutedradiesse #radiessefiller #biostimulator #biostimulatingfiller
Butt Enhancement Special. Follow the link here https://rb.gy/vgrwom
to buy this promotion
Non surgical butt augmentation using bio stimulating filler