This Giving Tuesday, invest in the movement for universal, single-payer, healthcare for all:
Our advocacy, leadership-building, educational and organizing efforts are more important now than ever. We must make it clear to New York lawmakers that they have an urgent duty to make a real difference in the lives of millions by passing the New York Health Act, leading the way to Medicare for All.
Thursday, June 13 @ 6PM
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South NYC
Join us for a Celebratory Reception honoring our 2024 Single Payer Champions in the movement for equitable, comprehensive healthcare for all & health justice!
#PassNYHealth #Medicare4All
All Means All: Coverage for Immigrants and the Fight for Universal Healthcare / Todxs significa Todxs: Cobertura para Inmigrantes y La Lucha por La Atencion Medica Universal
All New Yorkers suffer from our expensive, confusingly complicated, and profit-driven healthcare system, but immigrants face unique challenges. Our April forum will feature panelists from immigrant communities, their employers, and healthcare providers who will discuss barriers to care and how healthcare access for immigrants would be improved by passing Coverage For All. We will connect this struggle to our work to pass the New York Health Act for comprehensive, universal healthcare for all New Yorkers, without income, employment, or citizenship restrictions.
Todxs lxs neoyorquinxs sufren pornuestro sistema de salud costoso, confusamente complicado y orientadopor las ganancias, pero los inmigrantes enfrentan desafíos únicos.Nuestro foro de abril contará con panelistas de comunidadesinmigrantes, sus empleadores y proveedores de atención médica quediscutirán las barreras a la atención y cómo se mejoraría el acceso ala atención médica para los inmigrantes al aprobar Cobertura ParaTodxs. Conectaremos esta lucha con nuestro trabajo para aprobar la Leyde Salud de Nueva York para una atención médica integral y universalpara todxs los neoyorquinxs, sin restricciones de ingresos, empleo, orciudadania.
#PassNYHealth #Coverage4All #NYHealthAct