La perspectiva del cuidador: cómo afrontar un diagnóstico de linfoma y la importancia del autocuidado
Los cuidadores desempeñan un papel fundamental en el camino hacia el diagnóstico de linfoma. Es importante tener conocimiento sobre cómo afrontar el cuidado de ese ser querido, aumentar la conciencia sobre la importancia de cuidarse a sí mismos y aumentar la conciencia sobre recursos útiles para controlar el estrés. La Lymphoma Research Foundation busca brindar a la comunidad de linfoma herramientas para que los cuidadores se apoyen mejor a sí mismos y a sus seres queridos.
Inmunoterapias para el linfoma y la LLC
Información sobre el uso de inmunoterapias para el linfoma y LLC
Talking with Your Healthcare Team : Supporting Your Mental Health
Program for patients and caregivers to learn more about how they can work with their doctors to protect and improve their mental health during lymphoma treatment.
Talking with Your Healthcare Team : Shared Treatment Decision Making
Program for patients and caregivers to learn more about how they can work with their doctors to develop a collaborative approach to their lymphoma treatment.
Talking With Your Healthcare Team: Seeking A Second Opinion
Program series for patients and care partners to learn more about how they can speak to members of their healthcare team about seeking a second opinion.
Diagnostic and Biomarkers Testing
With over 100 different subtypes, understanding what type of lymphoma a patient has is critical to developing a treatment plan. Lymphoma Research Foundation grantee Dr. Niloufer Khan (City of Hope) explains the importance of diagnostic and biomarker tests - learn more about these tests and how lymphoma is diagnosed:
Talking with Your Healthcare Team : Navigating Clinical Trials
Program for patients and caregivers to learn more about how they can speak to members of their healthcare team about clinical trials as an option.