Start Within At School
Check out this promo video we created to announce launch of our new Start Within At School services! We help NYC public school students to acquire and apply social and emotional skills in their academic, personal and professional environments. We also help build capacity of NYC public school staff, teachers, and administrators to demonstrate social and emotional skills that will support student readiness and college/career persistence.
Start Within At School
Check out this promo video we created to announce launch of our new Start Within At School services! We help NYC public school students to acquire and apply social and emotional skills in their academic, personal and professional environments. We also help build capacity of NYC public school staff, teachers, and administrators to demonstrate social and emotional skills that will support student readiness and college/career persistence.
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It's #GroupFitnessClass week! Have your co-workers create teams to participate in a local 5k walk/run. Invite your family and friends, and prepare healthy snacks for everyone! #WednesdayWalkathon #EWM18
Healthy Potluck Week
It's now #HealthyPotluckWeek! Encourage everyone at work to bring their favorite healthy dish or to try out a new recipe! By hosting a healthy potluck luncheon, you'll be able to interact and engage with your co-workers more! #EWM18 Let us know what your favorite healthy meal is below
How well did you budget this week?
June is officially Employee Wellbeing Month! Starting with #FinancialAdvisorWeek we're curious of ways that you've spent budgeting your finances this week! We'd love to hear your tips and ideas below!
What do you do to stay healthy?
What’re some ways that you guys stay healthy and active while you’re at work and going through day-to-day life? Post your tips and tricks in the comments to share with everyone else. We can all help each other stay happy, healthy and motivated!
Spring Break At Work
Are your employees starting to look a little like this guy? A Spring Break At Work would be the perfect solution for tired and run down employees! Click on the link to register for your own Spring Break At Work!
Spring Break At Work
If you haven't registered for a Spring Break At Work then you should definitely click on this link now! Get your employees Revived, Recharged and Renewed through incorporating wellness initiatives into your office! Click the link for more information!
Spring Break At Work
If you want your employees to feel Renewed, Revived and Recharged then you need to register for a Spring Break At Work!! There's no better way to increase productivity, satisfaction and all round attitude of your employees! Click the link for more info
Spring Break At Work
All you HR Managers out there! Do you like the idea of having a Spring Break At Work? If this sounds like something that you think you and your employees would be interested in click the link and register for more information on our landing page - Renew, Revive and Recharge in the office!
2010 Bring Your Future into Laser Focus - Teleseminar
This video gives an overview of the next "Bring Your Future into Laser Focus!" Team Visioning Teleseminar to be held Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 1:00 PM EST. This session (and quarterly series) is hosted by "Coach Colette" Ellis, Founder & Head Coach of InStep Consulting.
2010 Bring Your Future into Laser Focus: 1/28/10
Video announcing FREE teleseminar hosted by Colette Ellis of InStep Consulting on January 28, 2010. Teleseminar to help teams focus on TOP priorities and create a visioning tool to stay motivated during the year.