Get ready for summer NOW👙🏊🏽♀️🏊♂️Patients are losing weight and feeling great🎉 At SCMC, we're committed to helping you achieve your weightloss goals with our result-oriented program. Embrace a healthier lifestyle that goes beyond the ordinary. Our medically supervised program is designed to make balance and well-being a seamless part of your everyday life.Program Highlights: Initial Evaluation-Comprehensive assessment to understand your unique needs and goals. Monthly visits, ongoing support and personalized guidance throughout your wellness journey.Weight-loss Medications: Choose from a range of effective options - Adipex, Wegovy, Mounjara, Ozempic.Meal Plan: Tailored meal plans to complement your lifestyle and nutritional requirements.Why Choose SCMC:✅ Expert Guidance:Medically supervised program with licensed professionals dedicated to your success.✅ Customized Approach:Personalized solutions addressing your specific health and wellness needs.✅ Flexible Options:Choose the weight-loss medication that aligns with your preferences and goals. Ready to embark on a transformative journey toward a healthier, happier you? Join our program today!For inquiries and enrollment, call us at ☎️ 770-629-4374 or visit our website:scmedcenter.comYour wellness journey begins here. 🌿💪🏾#atl #hypertension #ozempic #weightloss #dotphysicals #stockbridge #stockbridgega #collegepark #ellenwoodga #ellenwood #morrow #morrowga #jonesboro #jonesboroga #claytoncounty #mounjara #scmedctr #diabetes #rex #rexga #atlhair #oscarinsurance #medicaid #forestpark #wegovy #weightlossjourney #atlanta
He’s DOT Certified🎉🎉 Schedule your DOT physical at 770-629-4374. #atldrivers #cdl #cdl #busdriver #transportation #atlfoodie #atlnightlife #scmedctr #rexga #forestparkga #ellenwoodga #atl #atlanta #claytoncounty #stockbridgega
Aren’t they the cutest😍😍?? Children appointments available, school physicals, 3300 forms for school, vaccines for children, etc. ☎️770-629-4374 #scmedctr #stockbridgega #rexga #clayco #claytoncountyga #claytoncounty #healthcare #atlantaga #claytoncountypublicschools #henrycounty #henrycountypublicschools #forestparkga
D.O.T. Physicals for CDL bus/truck drivers. Must schedule an appointment ☎️770-629-4374.
Every other Saturday 9a - 1p!! Annual exams, DOT physicals, Surgical clearance, Diabetes follow up, Hypertension, GOUT, Pap smears, COVID testing, COVID Vaccines, and etc ☎️ 770-629-4374. #claytoncounty #claytoncountyga #morrowga #stockbridgega #stockbridge #rexga #covid_19 #scmedctr
Must schedule an appointment ☎️770-629-4374!! #vaccine #covid #morrowga #jonesboroga #fayettevillega #stockbridgega #claytoncountyga #atlanta
The benefits of the vaccine and booster outweighs the risk. There’s less to no quarantine time, very mild symptoms, and the outcome (recovery) is greater!!!
Pfizer/Moderna vaccine and booster shots available ☎️ 770-629-4374 3579 Highway 138 SE Ste 103 Stockbridge, GA 30281. #claytoncountyga #claytoncounty #morrowga -#scmedctr #jonesboroga #fayettevillega #stockbridgega #claytonstateuniversity #henrycountypublicschools #claytoncountypublicschools #atlantaga #atlanta #atl
Happy Vaccine Friday😍😍Thank you Ms. Cochran for our gifts we truly appreciate you❤️ Vaccines available for ages 5 and up (Pfizer and Moderna) 770-629-4374
💜Thank you for helping to slow the spread💜 Free COVID vaccines with or without insurance for ages 5 and up!!! 3579 Highway 138 SE Ste 103 Stockbridge, GA 30281 770-629-4374!!! #free #covidvacccine #bilingual #español #saturdayappointments #scmedctr #jonesboroga #forestparkga #riverdalega #claytoncountyga #clayco #atlanta #morrowga #jonesboroga #stockbridgega #collegeparkga #metroatlanta
Thank you to those he see our posts and actually schedule an appt. We just want to bring awareness, educate you, and spread the word about the services we provide to the community💗 Saturday appointments available, COVID Vaccine and Booster shots available, COVID testing, Annual exams, Pap Smears, DOT Physicals, Weight Loss Program, Diabetes management, Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, Referrals, Bilingual, etc. Accepting ALL insurances and All Medicaid plans ☎️ 770-629-4374!!!
Let’s continue to slow the spread!!! COVID Vaccines Now Available!! 3579 Highway 138 SE Ste 103 Stockbridge, GA 30281 ☎️ 770-629-4374 Insurance accepted but is not required!!! Absolutely free with or without insurance!!! Must schedule an appointment!!
Happy to have safe drivers on the road🚒🚌🚛 3579 Highway 138 SE Ste 103 Stockbridge, GA 30281 770-629-4374… #dotcertified #2yr #cdl #cdldriver #busdriver #dotphysicalsatlanta #dotphysicals #claytoncountyga #claytoncounty #stockbridgega #morrowga #jonesboroga #forestparkga #riverdalega #collegeparkga