RSV season is here, earlier and worse than most years. It can be more severe than a regular cold. Here's what you need to know.
🔑 Key facts
➡️ RSV is a cold virus that also infects the lungs.
➡️ It causes usual cold symptoms: fever, runny nose, congestion, and cough.
➡️ In some kids, it causes wheezing and may cause difficulty breathing (bronchiolitis).
➡️ Some kids need to be admitted to the hospital for breathing problems or dehydration.
➡️ For most kids, the cold symptoms are worse and last longer than a usual cold.
➡️ Antibiotics do not treat RSV.
➡️ Wheezing medicines rarely work for RSV.
⚠️ What to watch for
The skin pulling in between the ribs or above the collarbones with each breath.
Struggling to breathe and not relieved with nasal saline and suction.
Not making urine at least every 8 hours, or dry lips
Very sleepy and hard to wake up
✅ How to treat RSV
Nasal saline drops and suction. This is the number one way to treat colds in young children.
Encourage plenty of fluids. If your child is not eating solid food, feed only breast milk, formula, or electrolyte solution for children.
A cool mist humidifier may help.
One to two tablespoons of warm apple juice may help with cough and post-nasal congestion.
Natural cough medicine made from honey (over 12 months old) or agave nectar (less than 12 months old) may help.
❌ Do not give your child:
Cough and cold medicines. They do not work and can be harmful at this age.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) should never be used for colds in kids.
Homeopathic medications. They are not herbal remedies but very tiny amounts of poisons. They don't work and can be harmful.
🍎 Prevention
Handwashing is still the best way to prevent colds and flu.
Breastfeeding offers some protection.
Stay away from other young children if possible when RSV is going around.
😅 Rest assured, most children catch RSV and just have a worse than average cold. The important thing is to be aware, to watch for the warning signs, and to seek care quickly if you are concerned, preferably from a pediatric facility.