Modern Mystery School International

Modern Mystery School International The MMS is an international community of Light workers, initiated in the lineage of King Salomon. We believe in the maxim of Know Thyself.

The Modern Mystery School is an international community of Light workers, initiated in an ancient tradition of service, compassion and empowerment. To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God – by whichever name you choose to use. A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an exp

erience of unprecedented joy and and a new level of fulfillment in your life. The Modern Mystery School head office is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with practitioners and instructors all over the world, ready to support you as you delve into the profound process of self-discovery. We are dedicated to your spiritual progression and the fulfillment of your life’s purpose. Through the enlightenment of you as an individual, we are creating a wave of change for the betterment of humanity and all beings on the planet. Whether or not you came to this page intentionally or not, we welcome you! You are invited to embark upon a transformational journey that will definitely change your life, and that just might change the world. COMMUNITY POLICY:

Modern Mystery School has a number of social media outlets for you to plug in to! In our online communities, just as with our in-person communities, respect for one another is of paramount importance. Our team is dedicated to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all our followers to express themselves and engage in lively discussions about our content and events. Please keep our following community policy in mind when writing your comments. Respect Others

In order to create a positive and engaging environment for users, we ask all users to treat each other with respect. Users may disagree with an idea; but Modern Mystery School will delete any defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar or inappropriate content/ interactions. If addressed and said behavior continues, further action will be taken to protect the safe space of our community and you may lose your ability to post. Please remember that there are real people interacting with your comments and are to be treated as such. No Hate Speech Or Bullying

Modern Mystery school encourages healthy conversations, critiques, and questions among our users. Treating fellow users with the utmost respect and kindness is required therefore insults, threats or harassment of other users, organizations or employees are prohibited. Unrelated Content

Varying off of the core topic of a post or subject of our institution’s message is strongly discouraged. Any content that defies the previous may be moderated by our team before it goes live. This includes solicitations, self-promotion or the manipulation of our audience to promote products and services not endorsed by the Modern Mystery School. Moderation

Although we love to share with and support our followers on all of our social media platforms, we continue to reserve the right and will deal accordingly with those that do not adhere to our community policy. This is done purely for the safety of our users and leaders. Those who overlook this policy will be contacted directly initially and if said behavior is recurring afterward can expect to be banned completely from accessing our page. Code of Ethics

Offline and in person our practitioners sign and agree to a Code of Ethics, which you can view here. This Lightworkers code of conduct establishes the baseline of morals that we believe all should operate under. The Modern Mystery School prides itself on its integrity and asks all its Guides, Teachers, Healers and Practitioners of all levels to hold themselves to the utmost highest standards both in-person and online.

Transformational Alchemy: Cleopatra’s Beauty Secrets returns to MMS Headquarters Toronto February 16th, 2025.Lead by the...

Transformational Alchemy: Cleopatra’s Beauty Secrets returns to MMS Headquarters Toronto February 16th, 2025.

Lead by the Ipsissima of Alchemy for the Modern Mystery School, Ipsissima Franca Lanyon, this class provides women initiates the opportunity to experience an alchemical shift that is completely unique to the divine feminine.

“Although the title holds the words ‘Beauty Secrets,’ this class is not about makeup or how one should apply it. Rather, it’s about understanding the feminine energy and heightening the vibration of the beauty we each have and carry within us.

We all have that inner beauty, but how do we express that inner beauty outwardly to the world? With self-confidence, self-worth, and self-awareness? How can we use that beauty to help us live our life to the fullest?”

Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!

Hello 2025. As you step into a new year, may you have the courage necessary to build a life that moves you towards your ...

Hello 2025.

As you step into a new year, may you have the courage necessary to build a life that moves you towards your greatest joy and potential.

It is on the journey to Know Thyself, where we uncover our true potential. In knowing ourselves, we can know the universe, we can know God.

Thank you to Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave and Ipsissima Franca for being such a great example of what it means to serve! In...

Thank you to Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave and Ipsissima Franca for being such a great example of what it means to serve!

In this video, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave shares a little bit of the Hermetic wisdom that helps us to understand the difference between exchange for service and the necessity of charity.

In this season of giving, if you are in abundance, please consider sharing what you can to those in need and share the Light!

"Charity is an immense gift, an honour to provide, and the privilege of those who are in abundance to share with those who are in need." - Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon

The Modern Mystery School International Headquarters has been actively supporting Haven Toronto, an outreach center dedicated to helping elderly and marginal...

Today, we are grateful for the power of the present moment. How do you connect with the here and now? Take a moment. Tak...

Today, we are grateful for the power of the present moment.
How do you connect with the here and now?

Take a moment.
Take a breath.
Inhale gratitude.
Exhale gratitude.


What meditation or mindfulness practice are you most grateful for? Share in the comments below or a post of your own & tag the Modern Mystery School!

Earlier this week,  Canada Running Series showcased a picture of our very own Ipsissima Franca Lanyon from the 2024 Spri...

Earlier this week, Canada Running Series showcased a picture of our very own Ipsissima Franca Lanyon from the 2024 Spring Run Off being the top fundraiser for the whole event!

The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, because this is the time that plans are being made for the 3rd Annual Team Light 8K Charity Run in 2025.

Ipsissima Franca is the creator of the amazing Team Light experience and her inspirational efforts are a testament to what hard work and resilience can do for us. She never gives up while also giving generously — and she inspires initiates around the world to do the same!

Stay tuned for more details … what will be possible for 2025? We will see!

The second step initiation of Ritual Master is a particularly special one for all those who walk this path. Ritual Maste...

The second step initiation of Ritual Master is a particularly special one for all those who walk this path.

Ritual Masters in the lineage of King Salomon delve into sacred ritual and the arts, science, history and practical application of ancient Hermetic, esoteric and metaphysical teachings.

It’s not hard for anyone to see that there is a great deal of suffering and pain in the world today. The world operates under the illusion that we are not divine and have no influence over the outcome of our lives.

The teachings of the Ritual Master Program will help you gain control of your internal plane to affect positive change and results on the external plane. This is the Hermetic maxim, “As within, so without.”

For ages, this has been the path, the study and the role of the master magician in occult and esoteric studies. The Ritual Master path is about combining the Will with Love for others, in discerning manner, so that you can create goodness and be a source of Light for others in the world.

Congratulations to the over 40 new second-step Ritual Master initiates in the lineage of King Salomon!

Congratulations to the newly initiated Guides in the lineage of King Salomon!The Guides in the Modern Mystery School tra...

Congratulations to the newly initiated Guides in the lineage of King Salomon!

The Guides in the Modern Mystery School tradition have the ability to share the keys and knowledge of the Empower Thyself Program.

When an initiate takes up the mantle of Guide and decides to serve others through the power of initiation, the Light expands on this planet. More people holding more Light, more opportunities for to bring more peace to this planet.

Trained for 4 days by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon, Ipsissima Kate Bartram-Brown, Ipsissima Theresa Bullard-Whyke and Ambassador Eric Thompson, join us in congratulating our new Guides in the lineage of King Salomon!

Aline Rauh Muller
Christina Hudson
Flavia Cristina Adami
Jennifer Doody
Jonathan F. Pouliot
Kate Siner
Leda Maria Braga Tomitch
Paul Gabor-Iliescu
Robert Alexandru Cirdei
Rush Dorsett
Sanet Kirstein
Spencer Bronzi
Stefana Vicol-Frew
Susan Rapley

Viking Magick, Enochian Magick, Guide Healing, Guide Training …. Oh my!There has been no shortage of advanced training h...

Viking Magick, Enochian Magick, Guide Healing, Guide Training …. Oh my!

There has been no shortage of advanced training here at MMS HQ.

From the working and training in ceremonial magicks as Ritual Masters, to training those who serve in offering the path of empowerment through Initiation, the energy has been high.

The Lineage of King Salomon offers Hermetic keys for empowerment, freedom, abundance and joy that have been fine- tuned over thousands of years.

The lineage is full, complete and has absolutely everything you need to have higher understanding and wisdom in life.

The path works and that is why initiates continue to walk it and fly in from all over the world to further their training and understanding. This is why people come to our International Trainings to step into different ways of offering the light to others.

When you find something that works. That brings you joy. That allows you to heal- you share it.

As Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon often says- “The light unshared- dies.”

Today Healers Academy 2, led by Ipsissima Franca, along with Ipsissima Kate, Divina Ann and Martina, concluded a full 6 ...

Today Healers Academy 2, led by Ipsissima Franca, along with Ipsissima Kate, Divina Ann and Martina, concluded a full 6 days of intensive training! The world now has new Full Spirit Activation Practitioners and Certified Healers with TEN new healing sessions, ready to serve the world.

Sovereign Ipsisismus Dave also wrapped off 3 days of Hermetic teachings starting with the Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine and Feminine along with Relationships in the Hermetic Life class.

In the room the next door, Martina handed down the sacred rituals of the Sanctified Hermetic Full Moon Magick to a bunch excited initiates.

A great day, huge energy… and guess what … there’s more to come!

Today Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave taught a game-changing class Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine. ...

Today Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave taught a game-changing class Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine. The conversations and contemplations that unfolded throughout this day were healing layers of a lifetime of programming and misconceptions about who we are as divine male and female beings.

In Healers Academy 2 the healers in training learned how to do the Distance Healing, Spark of Life as well as the profound session- the Life Purpose Reading.

In Healers Academy 1, the future Life Activation Practitioners learned how to do the Aura Healing and DNA Readings!

So much growth, so much magick, and so many deep teachings, tools & trainings unfolding.

Healing is not just mending broken things, but nurturing the spirit to understand its wholeness. To heal is to listen wi...

Healing is not just mending broken things, but nurturing the spirit to understand its wholeness.
To heal is to listen with compassion, to touch with tenderness, and to guide with patience.

Thank goodness this path has so many amazing modalities that help nurture the soul and spirit back to wholeness.

Through healing, we can live fully alive.
Through healing we can live in peace.
Through healing we will have Shamballah!

Day 7 of International Programs Complete.

Know Thyself
Healers Academy 1
Healers Academy 2

Day 5 of International Programs complete. There always seems to be such an interesting thing (perhaps magick 😉) that hap...

Day 5 of International Programs complete.

There always seems to be such an interesting thing (perhaps magick 😉) that happens with time in Mystery School classes. Time seems to grow and shift as there is SO much accelerated growth, experience, learning and deep expansion all within a day, even a moment.

It is always a remarkable thing to see what we can accomplish when focused magicians come together.
Today was no exception.

It may be day 5 of the program, but for many attending it was Day 1 !

Today we had students arrive for their first day of training in Healers Academy 1, where initiates have come to learn how to do the foundational protocol for healing and awakening - the Life Activation. This session turns on a humans potential and divinity like nothing else.

While there are those stepping into their purpose with Healers One, there are many more students taking their next step to commit deeper to their work in the Healing Arts as we welcomed in over 40 students from around the world at Healers Academy 2. This training is advanced and offers a plethora healings and support tools, the Full Spirit Activation being amongst the lot.

And for others- it was their first day at Know Thyself. A completely different kind of class than the two previously noted. This is a program of creativity and going into the internal world to connect, express and understand oneself deeper through working with the Masters of Light.

It has been a full day here at the International Headquarters and as some are here for day one, many high level initiates continue their training with Founder Gudni in School of the Mage & Pathworking.

Time and space may be expanding for us here. As it does, so too does our hearts and minds!

What a blessing to receive so many opportunities to grow & serve.

Congratulations to the four new Ipsissima in the Lineage of King Salomon! Ipsissima Verla Wade, Honorary Ipsissima Ipsis...

Congratulations to the four new Ipsissima in the Lineage of King Salomon!

Ipsissima Verla Wade, Honorary Ipsissima
Ipsissima Kathleen Lanyon, Ipsissima of the Governance of the Light
Ipsissima Liza Rossi, Ipsissima of the Divine Arts
Ipsissima Kate Bartram-Brown, Ipsissima of the Noble Arts

Today we had the privilege of bearing witness to a profound moment for the Modern Mystery School the Third Order initiated four more Ipsissima to govern and anchor the Light for the lineage.

Modern Mystery School Founder finished the day with a standing ovation and a selfie after teaching the immensely powerfu...

Modern Mystery School Founder finished the day with a standing ovation and a selfie after teaching the immensely powerful Holy God Matrix Re-Alignment session to an elite group of an advanced healing practitioners.

The JOY was as high as the reverence in the room, along with lots of gratitude and appreciation for this sacred work that allows us to Know Thyself and serve others.

We are destined to become greater than the gods — this what Hermes Trismegustus taught his student Asclepius. The myster...

We are destined to become greater than the gods — this what Hermes Trismegustus taught his student Asclepius.

The mystery school teaches ancient, sacred, spiritual and energetic healing modalities because we need to be reminded of that. That we are divine, we are gods, and we are destined to become greater than the gods.

The things that get in the way of accepting of one’s own divinity are the things we need to heal from.

The fear, the stress, the worry, the unworthiness, the lack, the inferiority, the mediocrity — it does not serve us, and it must go.

Over these last two days, a group Ritual Masters have been handed down two powerful healing sessions: The Hands of Melchizedek and The Hexagram Healing. Both are sacred ceremonies, so powerful, summoning the highest Light to restore, protect and reaffirm the divinity within all who receive it.

A beautiful reminder of the Light within, and that each and every human being walking the planet is. in fact, divine.

“You are an eternal being, you have never been born and therefore you can never die.” — Modern Mystery School Founder & ...

“You are an eternal being, you have never been born and therefore you can never die.” — Modern Mystery School Founder & Hierophant Gudni Gudnason

The Third Order kicked off this program with some high magick and advanced spiritual training for a core group of Ritual Masters.

Day 1 of our Fall MMS International Program here in Toronto at MMS HQ!

Life Activation Practitioners gathered in London last week for what was the biggest LAP Professional Integration Day yet...

Life Activation Practitioners gathered in London last week for what was the biggest LAP Professional Integration Day yet in the Royal City!

When people choose Light and choose to share that Light, the Light grows. Expanding right along with it is the joy that comes from being a part of community of people who truly want to serve and help others find their own true joy and purpose in life.

The MMS International Program continued in London with more advanced training with Healers Academy, Ritual Master, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave’s Hermetic classes — and so much more!

This is community.
This is service.
This is joy.

Next up: South Africa & Toronto Programs!!!!

That’s a wrap! Two weeks of back to back programs — from Brazil to London, Sovereign Ipsissimus  and  and Divina  took t...

That’s a wrap!
Two weeks of back to back programs — from Brazil to London, Sovereign Ipsissimus and and Divina took the road to run Healers Academy and so much more! With opportunities to advance in Hermetic teachings and understanding, the Healers Path, Ritual Mastery and Magick.

~ How to live a Hermetic Life & Hermetic Joy With Sovereign in both Brazil & London
~ Galactic Activation
~ Healers Academy
~ Ritual Mastery Novice
~ Magick of the RM
~ Enchain Magick Levels 1 & 2

Congratulations to all those who made the leap to take their next step of progression forward in the Light!


41 International Boulevard
Toronto, ON


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Our Story

The Modern Mystery School is an international community of Light workers, initiated in an ancient tradition of service, compassion and empowerment. We believe in the maxim of Know Thyself. To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God – by whichever name you choose to use. A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and and a new level of fulfillment in your life. The Modern Mystery School head office is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with practitioners and instructors all over the world, ready to support you as you delve into the profound process of self-discovery. We are dedicated to your spiritual progression and the fulfillment of your life’s purpose. Through the enlightenment of you as an individual, we are creating a wave of change for the betterment of humanity and all beings on the planet. Whether or not you came to this page intentionally or not, we welcome you! You are invited to embark upon a transformational journey that will definitely change your life, and that just might change the world.