The Grove Studio for Natural Healing

The Grove Studio for Natural Healing Lymphatic Drainage & CranioSacral Therapies. Medicupping. Red Light Therapy. Family & Autism Coaching.

Glymphatic (brain) clearance (of waste) via the Lymphatic System:"'This research shows that restoring cervical lymph ves...

Glymphatic (brain) clearance (of waste) via the Lymphatic System:

"'This research shows that restoring cervical lymph vessel function can substantially rescue the slower removal of waste from the brain associated with age,' Dr Kelley said."

Researchers found a way to repair one of the systems that breaks down in Alzheimer's in the brains of mice by using a type of drug that's been in circulation for years.

“Consumption of a KD [Ketogenic Diet] improved lymphatic function and was associated with a clinically meaningful reduct...

“Consumption of a KD [Ketogenic Diet] improved lymphatic function and was associated with a clinically meaningful reduction in oedema volume in some patients (3/7 at end of CKD, 2/7 at end of MAD) with unilateral stage 2 secondary lymphoedema. These results highlight the potential of a KD to improve lymphatic function in patients with lymphoedema. However, further studies are required to substantiate our findings.”

“Consumption of a KD [Ketogenic Diet] improved lymphatic function and was associated with a clinically meaningful reduction in oedema volume in some patients (3/7 at end of CKD, 2/7 at end of MAD) with unilateral stage 2 secondary lymphoedema. These results highlight the potential of a KD to impro...

Overload of the Glymphatic System by Dental Problems:  Effects on the Brain“The brain has a glymphatic system for detoxi...

Overload of the Glymphatic System by Dental Problems: Effects on the Brain

“The brain has a glymphatic system for detoxification, which drains the toxins into the lymphatic system of the head. This lymphatic system is stressed by toxin-producing processes in the mouth area to the point of blockage. Afterwards the glymphatic system is overloaded. A large number of foci and toxins in the mouth area are capable of doing this.”

Excerpt from the excerpt:  "Incident radiant energy drives the flow — in much the same way that it drives vascular flow ...

Excerpt from the excerpt:

"Incident radiant energy drives the flow — in much the same way that it drives vascular flow in plants."

And the excerpt:

"The existence of a fourth phase is not entirely unexpected. One century ago, the physical chemist Sir William Hardy argued for its existence; and, over the years many authors have found evidence for some kind of “ordered” or “structured” phase of water. Fresh experimental evidence not only confirms the existence of that ordered, liquid-crystalline phase, but also details its properties. These properties explain everyday observations and questions ranging from why gelatin desserts hold their water, to why teapots whistle.

The energy for building this structure comes from the sun. Radiant energy converts bulk water into ordered water, building this zone. We found that all wavelengths, from UV through visible, to infrared can build this ordered zone. Near infrared energy is the most capable. Water absorbs the infrared energy freely from the environment; it uses that energy to convert bulk water into liquid crystalline water. Hence, buildup of the fourth phase occurs naturally and spontaneously. Energy input beyond that occurring naturally creates additional liquid crystalline buildup.

Of particular significance is the fourth phase's charge, commonly negative. Absorbed radiant energy splits water molecules; the negative moiety forms the building block of the ordered zone, while the positive moiety binds with bulk water molecules to form free hydronium ions. Adding more light stimulates more charge separation.
This process resembles the first step of photosynthesis. In that process, energy from the sun splits a water molecule. Splitting is catalyzed by a hydrophilic chromophore. The process under consideration appears more generic: any hydrophilic surface may catalyze the splitting, some more effectively than others.
The charges separated by light resemble a battery. That battery can deliver energy in a similar way as the separated charges in plants deliver energy. Plants, of course, comprise mostly water and it is therefore no surprise that similar energy conversion takes place in water itself.

The stored electrical energy in water can drive various kinds of work, including flow. An example is the axial flow through tubes. We found that immersing tubes made of hydrophilic materials into water produces flow through those tubes, similar to blood flow through blood vessels. The energy derives from the radiant energy absorbed and stored in the water. Nothing more. Flow may persist undiminished for hours, sometimes longer. Additional incident light brings faster flow. This is not a perpetual motion machine: incident radiant energy drives the flow — in much the same way that it drives vascular flow in plants."

How can a Jesus Christ lizard walk on water? Why do pollen grains jitterbug in a puddle? Why do fair weather clouds form such lovely puffy white shapes? And why can you “feel” the movement of fascial water?


It feels great to get a terrific review.:)


Red Light Therapy on Scar Tissue Recovery Post Lipo-Abdominoplasty


Manual lymphatic drainage improves the quality of life in patients with chronic venous disease.

The Utility of Lymphatic Massage in Cosmetic Procedures

The Utility of Lymphatic Massage in Cosmetic Procedures

“General postoperative manual lymphatic massage recommendations consist of manual lymphatic massage 2 to 3 times per week during the initial 3 to 4 weeks of recovery to be performed by a certified lymphedema therapist or a licensed massage therapist who have undergone some degree of lymphedema tra...

On Red Light Therapy and the Glymphatic (Brain’s Lymphatic) System. .

On Red Light Therapy and the Glymphatic (Brain’s Lymphatic) System. .

On Red Light Therapy and the Glymphatic (Brain’s Lymphatic) System: “The glymphatic system is a glial-dependent waste clearance pathway in the central nervous system, devoted to drain away waste metabolic products and soluble proteins such as amyloid-beta. An impaired brain glymphatic system can...

Drain ‘pipes’ behind the nose clear cerebrospinal fluid from the brain"This study reveals a distinctive network of lymph...

Drain ‘pipes’ behind the nose clear cerebrospinal fluid from the brain

"This study reveals a distinctive network of lymphatic vessels at the back of the nose that serves as a major hub for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to deep cervical lymph nodes in the neck. These deep cervical lymphatics remain intact with ageing, and their pharmacological activation enhanced CSF drainage in mice."

This study reveals a distinctive network of lymphatic vessels at the back of the nose that serves as a major hub for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to deep cervical lymph nodes in the neck. These deep cervical lymphatics remain intact with ageing, and their pharmacological activation enhan...

Sharing because the graphics are interesting.:)

Sharing because the graphics are interesting.:)

10.1055/b-0037-143461 CHAPTER 5 Changing Concepts in Lymphatic Pathways Wei-Ren Pan KEY POINTS A rich avalvular lymph capillary network exists in the skin and galea of the scalp, which connects adj…

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy was found to be more effective than massage for the treatment of fibromyalgia.  Read more:

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy was found to be more effective than massage for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Read more:

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy was found to be more effective than massage for the treatment of fibromyalgia: “For this particular group of patients, both MLDT and CTM appear to yield improvements in terms of pain, health status, and HRQoL. The results indicate that these manual therapy techniques mig...

The Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Lymphatic Drainage Therapy in Post Surgical Recovery

The Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Lymphatic Drainage Therapy in Post Surgical Recovery

Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a gentle skin stretching technique that promotes the removal of excess lymphatic fluid from tissue spaces, facilitating its natural elimination through the body's urinary system. (Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is NOT pain...

Paper:  Ketogenic Diet as a Potential Intervention for LipedemaSummary:  We hope this paper leads to an improved underst...

Paper: Ketogenic Diet as a Potential Intervention for Lipedema

Summary: We hope this paper leads to an improved understanding of optimal nutritional management for patients with LI and stimulates future research in this area of study.

• Lipedema adiposity is resistant to weight loss diets, but may respond to ketosis.
• Ketogenic diets modulate pain in lipedema independent of weight loss.
• Ketogenesis positively impacts lymph vessel integrity and lymph transport.
• The release of BHB reduces inflammation by interrupting exogenous stressors.

Lipedema (LI) is a common yet misdiagnosed condition, often misconstrued with obesity. LI affects women almost exclusively, and its painful and life-c…

Some "light" reading about the Lymphatic System, immunity, autoimmune issues, in this case Rheumatoid Arthritis.:"The  l...

Some "light" reading about the Lymphatic System, immunity, autoimmune issues, in this case Rheumatoid Arthritis.:

"The lymphatic system is involved in controlling inflammatory responses and in maintaining tolerance. Not surprisingly, lymphatic dysfunction is associated with inflammation, cancer development and metastasis, infectious diseases, and sepsis, as the lymphatic system plays an important role in many physiological processes.

In the case of rheumatic autoimmune diseases, there is some evidence to suggest that lymphatic dysfunction may be a contributing factor in the development of these diseases [61]. This is due to the role of the lymphatic system in the immune system.

One of the most studied autoimmune diseases regarding the role of the lymphatic system is rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is a chronic inflammatory disease. It causes pain, swelling, and stiffness (reduced flexibility) in the joints. It is a type of arthritis that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks our joints, destroying and inflaming them [62]. The local lymphatic system is said to undergo two stages of change in association with the general inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. In response to early rheumatoid arthritis or synovitis, lymphoid tissues undergo an “enlargement” phase, which increases their capacity to remove cellular debris and inflammatory cells from the site of infection, either through lymphangiogenesis or through increased vascular contraction frequency. During this expansion phase, in addition to changes in the lymphatic vessels, the draining lymph nodes themselves also expand characterized by a high infiltration of IgM+ CD23+ CD21hiCD1dhi B cells [63, 64]. This enlarged lymph node in the popliteal area may be a useful marker for the detection of arthritis in the early stages of disease activity.

Based on RA model studies, an acute arthritis flare in the early stages of the disease has been observed, with increased lymphatic drainage from inflamed joints to enlarged draining lymph nodes. After a prolonged period of expansion, a stochastic event leads to the asymmetric collapse of LNs and lymphatics. In the collapsed phase, the local lymphatic system collapses, causing a loss of lymphatic flow and a reduction in lymphatic clearance. Coordinated with the collapse, B cells migrate from the follicle into the sinuses. B cell depletion therapy reduces arthritis flares by eliminating these B cells and improving passive lymphatic drainage from inflamed joints [65, 66]."

The lymphatic system is the immune system’s transport network (lymphatic vessels and lymph) that collects microbial antigens at the entrance and delivers them to the lymph nodes, where specific immune responses are stimulated. The lymphatic system maintains peripheral tolerance und...

The Utility of Lymphatic Massage in Cosmetic Procedures        #

The Utility of Lymphatic Massage in Cosmetic Procedures

"General postoperative manual lymphatic massage recommendations consist of manual lymphatic massage 2 to 3 times per week during the initial 3 to 4 weeks of recovery. It is through postoperative care that the expected results are achieved. Rapidly reducing lymphostasis postoperatively may help impro...


On Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Post-Athletic Recovery.

Lymphatic Drainage significantly decreases post-operative recovery time while reducing pain, swelling and inflammation. ...

Lymphatic Drainage significantly decreases post-operative recovery time while reducing pain, swelling and inflammation. We recommend at least one session PRIOR to surgery as well.

Please contact the studio to learn more, and to schedule your appointment with Nina Dmitrieff, DNH, CLT-LANA/MLD-C, LMT, CCT, a Vodder trained, experienced and board certified lymphatic drainage therapist.

"We see complete resolution of postoperative edema, bruising and fibrosis within 9-18 months in non-MLD patients. Those given MLD healed within 6 weeks to 3 months, significantly shortening postoperative recovery."

On Lymphatic Drainage Therapy for pregnancy and postpartum.

On Lymphatic Drainage Therapy for pregnancy and postpartum.

"Manual lymph drainage helps to reduce limb size during the day of pregnant women. Implications for nursing management: edema is the most common and resilient manifestation in pregnant women where there is a perceived need to treat or improve these symptoms in a clinic during this period; therefore,...

"Our bodies work around held experiences until the load becomes too great. That's when we develop symptoms. CranioSacral...

"Our bodies work around held experiences until the load becomes too great. That's when we develop symptoms. CranioSacral Therapy helps your body to release the effects of held life experiences." - Robyn Scherr, CST-D

“Before this, we had smoke indicating the microbiome was involved in autism, and now we have fire. We can apply this app...

“Before this, we had smoke indicating the microbiome was involved in autism, and now we have fire. We can apply this approach to many other areas, from depression to Parkinson’s to cancer, where we think the microbiome plays a role, but where we don’t yet know exactly what the role is,” says Knight.

Source: Neuroscience News

“Before this, we had smoke indicating the microbiome was involved in autism, and now we have fire. We can apply this approach to many other areas, from depression to Parkinson’s to cancer, where we think the microbiome plays a role, but where we don’t yet know exactly what the role is,” says...

Even Low Levels of Glyphosate Alter Your Gut MicrobiotaGut microbiota composition was significantly impacted when mice w...

Even Low Levels of Glyphosate Alter Your Gut Microbiota

Gut microbiota composition was significantly impacted when mice were exposed to glyphosate at levels approximating the U.S. Acceptable Daily Intake of 1.75 mg/kg of body weight.

Proinflammatory T cells and Lipocalin-2, a marker of intestinal inflammation, increased after low-dose glyphosate exposure.

Low-dose glyphosate exposure also reduced the abundance of beneficial bacteria, including Bifidobacterium pseudolongum and Lactobacillus sp in the gut.

Low levels of glyphosate also decreased microbial short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) biosynthesis pathways, an adverse effect, since SCFAs modulate gene expression, leading to increases in beneficial anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells.

You can reduce your exposure to glyphosate by eating organic foods; saturating your body with glycine may help provide some protection from glyphosate toxicity.

Note: Culturelle’s Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG Product and Dr. Zach Bush’s ION (formerly Restore) may also help to protect against the effects of glyphosate:

Source: Mercola

"Gut microbiota composition was significantly impacted when mice were exposed to glyphosate at levels approximating the U.S. Acceptable Daily Intake of 1.75 mg/kg of body weight. Proinflammatory T cells and Lipocalin-2, a marker of intestinal inflammation, increased after low-dose glyphosate exposur...


Two images that might help one to visualize and understand the importance of lymphatic movement. These pictures were taken moments apart, on the shore of the Chattahoochee River, in Roswell, Georgia. In the first picture, where the water doesn't flow readily and is stagnant: Accumulating debris and opportunistic microbes. In the second picture, where the water ripples and flows: It is clear, energetic, vibrant and full of fish.

On PBMT/Red Light Therapy  and wound healing, mitochondrial dysfunction, retinal (vision) healing and Parkinson’s Diseas...

On PBMT/Red Light Therapy and wound healing, mitochondrial dysfunction, retinal (vision) healing and Parkinson’s Disease.

On PBMT/Red Light Therapy and wound healing, mitochondrial dysfunction, retinal (vision) healing and Parkinson’s Disease. "Photobiomodulation by light in the red to near infrared range (630–1000 nm) using low energy lasers or light-emitting diode (LED) arrays has been shown to accelerate wound h...

The brain does its housekeeping while you sleep.:)

The brain does its housekeeping while you sleep.:)

The findings below are important. And, there are additional papers discussing that lack of sleep is associated with onset of neurodegenerative disease and dementia. “GS influx of solutes into brain parenchyma was increased ∼80% in sleep compared with wakefulness inferring that the GS system is l...

"It's no fluke that relationships are often said to be “cultivated.” Like gardens, fields of crops, or farm animals, rel...

"It's no fluke that relationships are often said to be “cultivated.” Like gardens, fields of crops, or farm animals, relationships require consistent effort and responsiveness to feedback. But where interpersonal feedback can feel like criticism or rejection, feedback from plants and animals is clearly not personal. A goat who’s trying to take extra food from you isn’t doing that because he doesn’t like you. He’s doing that because he feels you aren’t in control of the grain you’re holding. Respond to this by adopting more confident, assertive body language, and he’ll respond by backing off.

By offering people with autism a nonjudgmental space in which they can practice interpreting feedback and adapting in accordance with it, plant and animal caretaking helps position them for success during human interactions. Not only do they learn that they don’t have to take others’ responses personally, but they also learn that those responses provide the intel they need for future interactions. Human conversation is an iterative process defined by trial and error, just like animal and plant caretaking."

"It's no fluke that relationships are often said to be “cultivated.” Like gardens, fields of crops, or farm animals, relationships require consistent effort and responsiveness to feedback. But where interpersonal feedback can feel like criticism or rejection, feedback from plants and animals is ...

Everything is connected."While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants gi...

Everything is connected.

"While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumor- and virus-infected cells in our bodies. In one study, increased NK activity from a 3-day, 2-night forest bathing trip lasted for more than 30 days. Japanese researchers are currently exploring whether exposure to forests can help prevent certain kinds of cancer."

Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

"While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing...

WE are MOVING!Our lovely historic building on Canton Street has been sold and it’s time to make a move.   Please know th...


Our lovely historic building on Canton Street has been sold and it’s time to make a move. Please know that all appointments scheduled for after Sunday, April 23rd (approximately, we will confirm by telephone) will be at our new location, only five minutes away (and much easier to access): 770 Old Roswell Place, Suite C500 in Roswell, 30076.

While we are sad to leave Canton Street the new space is amazing! It’s quiet, private, spotless, larger, very convenient – and, on the ground floor with handicapped access and parking right outside the door. (No more stairs!)

See you there!

“By comparing the pre- MLD lymphatic contractile function against post- MLD lymphatic function, our results show that th...

“By comparing the pre- MLD lymphatic contractile function against post- MLD lymphatic function, our results show that the average apparent lymph velocity increased in both the symptomatic (+23%) and asymptomatic (+25%) limbs of LE [Lymphedema] subjects and in the control limbs (+28%) of normal subjects."

Source. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Manual Lymphatic drainage works: “By comparing the pre- MLD lymphatic contractile function against post- MLD lymphatic function, our results show that the average apparent lymph velocity increased in both the symptomatic (+23%) and asymptomatic (+25%) limbs of LE [Lymphedema] subjects and in the c...


770 Old Roswell Place, Suite C500
Roswell, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 2:30pm
Friday 9am - 2:30pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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