Be the light that you are, "Do it any way!" _Marianne Williamson
Registration for my signature course that I have dedicated almost 20 years building and integrating begins Monday!
Join the waitlist at
January Wisdom Wednesday
Accessing Wise Mind at the start of the New Year
Time to go “In and Down” - do you need guidance on this? 8 weeks of teachings in REMIND with me starts tonight.
Wisdom Wednesdays with Betsy
Join Betsy for an hour discussion about topics from psychology, yoga, and neuroscience designed to inspire.
This week Kate and Betsy interview former Olympian Andrea Wieland!
Andrea has invested a lifetime striving to be a high performer, and has dedicated her career to learning, cultivating and helping others become high performers.
Andrea is a licensed psychologist, MBA, 1996 Olympian, executive level leader who achieves results through partnering effectively with others to create a shared vision and stretching performers to optimize their strengths, gifts and talents for a greater contribution to the whole. She enjoys empowering, leading and collaborating with people to build exceptional, service-oriented approaches to significantly improve the health, well-being, and performance of world-class athletes, teams, coaches, and other performers in business, military, and medicine.
Find Andrea (Winning Systems Inc) on LinkedIn
All of us have the desire to ascend.
We all know that we we can be something more, that we have more potential. We all know that we could feel more joy, we all know that we could be more authentic. We all know that we can align more with our higher purpose.
Having studied so many healing traditions through the years I keep coming back to yoga as the way through.
Step into your fullness, step into your light and to who you can be.
Join me each Tuesday and Saturday live (limited space) or online by going to to sign up.
“We’re so excited to be talking with one of the wildest women I know.”
If you haven’t had a chance yet make sure to listen to our newest release, the Salisha Aya interview.
Salisha will be here in person to guide us in ritual and meditation at the Tend Her Wild live experience on May 6 then…..
Salisha will be staying to offer a variety of live and virtual workshops with us throughout the weekend!
Stay tuned for updates what will be available and on ticket information.
Are You Ready to Re-Wild your Spirit?
Dr Betsy Rippentrop PhD and Kate Moreland, a lawyer and CEO, are having conversations with women of the “WILD WOMAN ARCHETYPE” and women who have been conditioned to lose connection with their inner voice and natural instincts.
This week’s guest,
✨Salisha Aya✨ is one of the most embodied Wild Women we know!
“It’s time to unearth your most sensual self, re-organize your neural pathways, and return home as an empowered goddess! As you learn to surrender to more pleasure and embody the Goddess, healing is alchemized and transformation happens.”
Listen to our newest release every Friday by going to our website (in bio) or find us through your favorite provider and listen whenever you enjoy your favorite podcasts.
Tuning into the high heart ✨💖✨
Join me the first Wednesday of each month for…
✨Wisdom Wednesday✨
This free monthly online meeting is a place to tune in with connected community to build resilience through the mind and body.
Join in the conversation! We love to hear your comments and feedback during these live sessions so come with an inquisitive mind!
Dr Betsy is a licensed psychologist, certified yoga teacher and certified meditation teacher that weaves science, psychology, mysticism and spirituality into her work. Betsy owns (and teaches at) Heartland Yoga in Iowa City and maintains an active psychology practice focused on integrating yoga into treatment as well as regularly leading inspired classes, trainings, workshops and retreats.