This video of our ParaDocs Ambassadors has almost a million views on TikTok. If you are a medical, nursing, or EMT student head over to our page to find out more about joining our amazing vols @paradocsambassadors
Why does it rain every year 😢😢 @jpmorgan @centralparknyc
One of the coolest shows I have ever seen, ever!! We have the best job!!! @sofitukker @brooklynmirage Tonight was epic!! Make it happen every night.
Etsy @etsy @knockdowncenter @chiara.sansc
Brooklyn Museum Artist Ball 2022 @brooklynmuseum #bkartistsball
Brooklyn Museum Artist Ball 2022 @brooklynmuseum #bkartistsball
Winter Wonderland @bryantparknyc @alyssa_reneaa
Don Omar @donomar @boostmobile @x963fm
We said no cell phones I guess she listens. ☎️☎️
Day 1 Gov Ball @govballnyc
It’s Time For Hip Hop in NYC!
Coney Island it’s a Brooklyn thing @coneyislandfun @coneyamp
Diaries of club medics and Lilly @chrislake